Legal Information Institute Cornell Law School

LII Distance Learning Workshop (June 2001)

I. Nature of the workshop:

The workshop was structured as a series of informal seminars, each with a moderator, drawn from the group, who set the stage for the discussion. All participants represented law schools, law firms or related institutions that had conducted or participated in distance learning activities or had serious plans for doing so.

II. Workshop sessions:

All links below provide access to a streaming audio recording of the session -- accompanied by presentation materials and handouts where available.

Monday, June 25: Bringing the technology to the pedagogy


Session 1

Opening remarks; getting acquainted.

Moderator: P. Martin
Session 2 Developing an inventory and vocabulary of course components and activities useful in analyzing distance learning options
- Discussion (part 1) (0:05)
- Discussion (part 2) (0:45)
Moderator: P. Martin


Session 3

Going beyond the components - elements or aims that must considered in overall course design and delivery
- Full discussion (0:49)

Moderator: C. Person
Session 4

Identifying new pedagogical strategies enabled by technology and developing the terminology to discuss alternative structures and methods of distance learning
- Full discussion (0:58)

Moderator: M. Norwood

Tuesday, June 26: Alternative on-line approaches to the principal course components or activities


Session 1

- Principal discussion (0:55)
Moderator: B. Vaaler
Session 2

Class discussion
- Full discussion (1:12)

Moderator: T. Player


Session 3

Feedback and evaluation
- Full discussion (0:53)
Moderator: D. Quentel
Session 4

- Videoconference (0:37)
- Discussion of videoconference (0:14)
- Concluding discussion (0:38)

Moderator: R. Seibel

Wednesday June 27: Choices, challenges, and criteria


Session 1

Criteria - e.g., cost, ease of building and subsequent updating and maintenance, student engagement
- Introduction (0:02)
- Full discussion (1:00)

Moderator: J. Farago
Session 2

Critical choices (e.g., synchronous versus asynchronous, video versus audio, on-line versus on disc, digital or print course readings)
- Full discussion (1:08)

Moderator: P. Joseph


Session 3 Human and institutional resource considerations
- Full discussion (0:55)
Moderator: J. Friedman

Thursday June 28: Administration systems and data issues


Session 1

Tracking student enrollment, contact information, and participation
- Full discussion (1:54)

Moderator: T. Bruce
Session 2

Capture and analysis of student performance on quizzes or exercises
- Summary (pdf)
[Unfortunately not recorded]

Moderator: C. Person


Session 3

Collecting, organizing, marking, and returning submitted student writing or other work product
- Full discussion (1:24)

Moderator: K. Kirwin
Session 4

- Full discussion (1:10)

Moderator: M. McDiarmid

Friday June 29: Buy, bundle or build


Session 1

Serving multi-media
- Full discussion (0:44)

Moderator: T. Bruce

Session 2

Course environments - Blackboard, Webct, TWEN, LEXIS's Virtual Classroom - versus assembling components Discussion or conference environments - WebBoard, WebCrossing et al; exercise builders - CALI author, Coursebuilder et al; and other important components or tools
- Full discussion (0:59)

Moderators: S. Willbanks & E. Masters
Session 3 Conference wrapup Moderator: P. Martin
