43 CFR Subpart 2812 - Subpart 2812—Over O. and C. and Coos Bay Revested Lands

  1. § 2812.0-3 Authority.
  2. § 2812.0-5 Definitions.
  3. § 2812.0-6 Statement of policy.
  4. § 2812.0-7 Cross reference.
  5. § 2812.0-9 Information collection.
  6. § 2812.1 Application procedures.
  7. § 2812.1-1 Filing.
  8. § 2812.1-2 Contents.
  9. § 2812.1-3 Unauthorized use, occupancy, or development.
  10. § 2812.2 Nature of permit.
  11. § 2812.2-1 Nonexclusive license.
  12. § 2812.2-2 Right of permittee to authorize use by third parties.
  13. § 2812.2-3 Construction in advance of permit.
  14. § 2812.3 Right-of-way and road use agreement.
  15. § 2812.3-1 Rights over lands controlled by applicant.
  16. § 2812.3-2 Other roads and rights-of-way controlled by applicant.
  17. § 2812.3-3 Form of grant to the United States, recordation.
  18. § 2812.3-4 Where no road use agreement is required.
  19. § 2812.3-5 Use by the United States and its licensees of rights received from a permittee.
  20. § 2812.3-6 Duration and location of rights granted or received by the United States.
  21. § 2812.3-7 Permittee's agreement with United States respecting compensation and adjustment of road use.
  22. § 2812.4 Arbitration and agreements.
  23. § 2812.4-1 Agreements and arbitration between permittee and licensee respecting compensation payable by licensee to permittee for use of road.
  24. § 2812.4-2 Compensation payable by United States to permittee for use of road.
  25. § 2812.4-3 Agreements and arbitration between permittee and licensee respecting adjustment of road use.
  26. § 2812.4-4 Arbitration procedure.
  27. § 2812.5 Payment to the United States, bond.
  28. § 2812.5-1 Payment required for O. and C. timber.
  29. § 2812.5-2 Payment to the United States for road use.
  30. § 2812.5-3 Bonds in connection with existing roads.
  31. § 2812.6 Approval and terms of permit.
  32. § 2812.6-1 Approval.
  33. § 2812.6-2 Terms and conditions of permit.
  34. § 2812.7 Assignment of permit.
  35. § 2812.8 Cause for termination of permittee's rights.
  36. § 2812.8-1 Notice of termination.
  37. § 2812.8-2 Remedies for violations by licensee.
  38. § 2812.8-3 Disposition of property on termination of permit.
  39. § 2812.9 Appeals.
35 FR 9638, June 13, 1970, unless otherwise noted.