48 CFR Subpart 227.72 - Subpart 227.72—Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Associated Rights

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  1. 227.7200 Scope of subpart.
  2. 227.7201 Definitions.
  3. 227.7202 Commercial computer software and commercial computer software documentation.
  4. 227.7202-1 Policy.
  5. 227.7202-2 [Reserved]
  6. 227.7202-3 Rights in commercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation.
  7. 227.7202-4 Contract clause.
  8. 227.7203 Other than commercial computer software and other than commercial computer software documentation.
  9. 227.7203-1 Policy.
  10. 227.7203-2 Acquisition of other than commercial computer software and computer software documentation and associated rights.
  11. 227.7203-3 Early identification of computer software or computer software documentation to be furnished to the Government with restrictions on use, reproduction, or disclosure.
  12. 227.7203-4 License rights.
  13. 227.7203-5 Government rights.
  14. 227.7203-6 Contract clauses.
  15. 227.7203-8 Deferred delivery and deferred ordering of computer software and computer software documentation.
  16. 227.7203-9 Copyright.
  17. 227.7203-10 Contractor identification and marking of computer software or computer software documentation to be furnished with restrictive markings.
  18. 227.7203-11 Contractor procedures and records.
  19. 227.7203-12 Government right to establish conformity of markings.
  20. 227.7203-13 Government right to review, verify, challenge, and validate asserted restrictions.
  21. 227.7203-14 Conformity, acceptance, and warranty of computer software and computer software documentation.
  22. 227.7203-15 Subcontractor rights in computer software or computer software documentation.
  23. 227.7203-16 Providing computer software or computer software documentation to foreign governments, foreign contractors, or international organizations.
  24. 227.7203-17 Overseas contracts with foreign sources.
  25. 227.7204 Contracts under the Small Business Innovation Research Program.
  26. 227.7205 Contracts for special works.
  27. 227.7206 Contracts for architect-engineer services.
  28. 227.7207 Contractor data repositories.
60 FR 33482, June 28, 1995, unless otherwise noted.