5 CFR § 1820.10 - Scope and purpose.

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§ 1820.10 Scope and purpose.

(a) This part establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures with respect to the production of official information, records, or testimony by current and former OSC employees, contractors, advisors, and consultants in connection with federal or state litigation or administrative proceedings in which OSC is not a party.

(b) OSC intends this part to:

(1) Conserve OSC employee time for conducting official business;

(2) Minimize OSC employee involvement in issues unrelated to OSC's mission;

(3) Maintain OSC employee impartiality in disputes between non-OSC litigants; and

(4) Protect OSC's sensitive, confidential information and deliberative processes.

(c) OSC does not waive the sovereign immunity of the United States when allowing OSC employees to provide testimony or records under this part.