
Harvested means:
(1) For insurable crops, harvested is as defined according to the applicable crop insurance policy administered in accordance with FCIA by RMA;
(2) For NAP-covered single harvest crops, a mature crop that has been removed from the field, either by hand or mechanically;
(3) For noninsurable crops with potential multiple harvests in one year or one crop harvested over multiple years, that the participant has, by hand or mechanically, removed at least one mature crop from the field during the crop year; or
(4) For mechanically harvested noninsurable crops, that the mature crop has been removed from the field and placed in or on a truck or other conveyance, except hay is considered harvested when in the bale, whether removed from the field or not. Grazing of land will not be considered harvested for the purpose of determining an unharvested or prevented planting payment factor.


7 CFR § 760.602

Scoping language

The following definitions apply to all determinations made under this subpart.

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