Air transportation services.

Air transportation services. The transport of DOD personnel or cargo by fixed or rotary wing commercial aircraft, where such services are acquired primarily for the transportation of DOD personnel and cargo, through donation or any form of contract, tender, blanket ordering agreement, Government charge card, Government or commercial transportation request (TR), bill of lading, or similar instruments. Air transportation services also include medical evacuation services, paratrooper drops, and charter airlift and group travel arranged by the Military Service Academies, foreign military sales, nonappropriated fund instrumentalities by other DOD and non-DOD activities for DOD personnel. All air carriers providing air transportation services to DOD must have a FAA or CAA certificate. The policy contained in this Directive shall not apply to individually procured, discretionary air travel, such as that associated with military leave or pass.


32 CFR § 861.3

Scoping language

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