Small business.

Small business. An entity is considered a small business in accordance with the Small Business Administration's (SBA) small business size standards by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) found in 13 CFR part 121. A private entity, including a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, cooperative (including a cooperative qualified under section 501(c)(12) of the Internal Revenue Code), and an electric utility, including a Tribal or governmental electric utility, that provides service to rural consumers on a cost-of-service basis without support from public funds or subsidy from the Government authority establishing the district, provided such utilities meet SBA's definition of small business. These entities must operate independent of direct Government control except for Tribal business entities formed as Section 17 Corporations as determined by the Secretary of the Interior or other Tribal business entities that have similar structures and relationships with their Tribal governments as determined by the Agency. The Agency shall determine the small business status of such a Tribal entity without regard to the resources of the Tribal government. With the exception of the entities described above, all other non-profit entities are excluded.


7 CFR § 4280.103

Scoping language

Terms used in this subpart are defined in either 4279.2 of this chapter or in this section. If a term is defined in both 4279.2 and this section, it will have, for purposes of this subpart only, the meaning given in this section.

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