Reasonable investment.

Reasonable investment.
(1) Proposed revitalization costs for viability must be reasonable. Such costs must not exceed, and ordinarily would be substantially less than, 90 percent of HUD's total development cost limit for the units proposed to be revitalized (100 percent of the total development cost limit for any “infill” new construction subject to this regulation). The revitalization cost estimate used in the PHA's most recent comprehensive plan for modernization is to be used for this purpose, unless a PHA demonstrates or HUD determines that another cost estimate is clearly more realistic to ensure viability and to sustain the operating costs that are described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(2) The overall projected cost of the revitalized development must not exceed the Section 8 cost under the method contained in the Appendix to this part, even if the cost of revitalization is a lower percentage of the TDC than the limits stated in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
(3) The source of funding for such a revitalization program must be identified and already available. In addition to other resources already available to the PHA, a PHA may assume that future formula funds provided through the Comprehensive Grant Program are available for this purpose, provided that they are sufficient to permit completion of the revitalization within the statutory five year time frame. (Comprehensive plans must be amended accordingly.)


24 CFR § 971.5

Scoping language

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