1999 Pacific Salmon Treaty Agreement

(1) As provided in the June 30, 1999 , Agreement of the United States and Canada on the Treaty Between the Government of the United States and the Government of Canada Concerning Pacific Salmon, 1985 (hereafter referred to as the “1999 Pacific Salmon Treaty Agreement”) there are hereby established a Northern Boundary and Transboundary Rivers Restoration and Enhancement Fund (hereafter referred to as the “Northern Fund”) and a Southern Boundary Restoration and Enhancement Fund (hereafter referred to as the “Southern Fund”) to be held by the Pacific Salmon Commission. The Northern Fund and Southern Fund shall be invested in interest bearing accounts, bonds, securities, or other investments in order to achieve the highest annual yield consistent with protecting the principal of each Fund. Income from investments made pursuant to this paragraph shall be available until expended, without appropriation or fiscal year limitation, for programs and activities relating to salmon restoration and enhancement, salmon research, the conservation of salmon habitat, and implementation of the Pacific Salmon Treaty and related agreements. Amounts provided by grants under this subsection may be held in interest bearing accounts prior to the disbursement of such funds for program purposes, and any interest earned may be retained for program purposes without further appropriation. The Northern Fund and Southern Fund are subject to the laws governing Federal appropriations and funds and to unrestricted circulars of the Office of Management and Budget. Recipients of amounts from either Fund shall keep separate accounts and such records as are reasonably necessary to disclose the use of the funds as well as to facilitate effective audits.


16 USC § 3645(a)(1)

Scoping language

None identified, default scope is assumed to be the parent (chapter 56A) of this section.
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