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  1. § 286. Acceptance of membership by United States in International Monetary Fund
  2. § 286a. Appointments
  3. § 286b. National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems
  4. §§ 286b–1, 286b–2. Repealed. Pub. L. 101–240, title V, § 541(d)(1), (5), Dec. 19, 1989, 103 Stat. 2518
  5. § 286c. Congressional authorization needed for certain actions
  6. § 286d. Federal Reserve banks as depositories
  7. § 286e. Payment of subscriptions to Fund and Bank by United States; issuance of special notes; income covered into Treasury
  8. § 286e–1. Increase in quota of United States and in capital stock of Bank; subscription to additional shares
  9. § 286e–1a. Increase in capital stock of Bank
  10. § 286e–1b. Increase in quota of United States; authorization of appropriations
  11. § 286e–1c. Additional increase in quota of United States
  12. § 286e–1d. Increase in capital stock of Bank; subscription to additional shares; authorization of appropriations
  13. § 286e–1e. Equivalent increase in quota of United States
  14. § 286e–1f. Additional increase in capital stock of Bank; subscription to additional shares; authorization of appropriations
  15. § 286e–1g. Additional increase in quota of United States; condition
  16. § 286e–1h. Increase of subscription of stock; authority of United States Governor of Bank; authorization of appropriations
  17. § 286e–1i. Increase in United States quota; consultations with Congress
  18. § 286e–1j. Additional increase in capital stock of Bank; subscription to additional shares; authorization of appropriations
  19. § 286e–1k. Capital stock increase
  20. § 286e–1l. Quota increase to 8,608,500,000 Special Drawing Rights
  21. § 286e–1m. Quota increase to 10,622,500,000 Special Drawing Rights
  22. § 286e–2. Loans to Fund
  23. § 286e–3. Transfers to stabilization fund of purchase of currencies or gold from International Monetary Fund; administration; utilization of fund resources for repayments
  24. § 286e–4. Loans to International Finance Corporation; amendment to Articles of Agreement
  25. § 286e–5. Amendments to Articles of Agreement
  26. § 286e–5a. Additional amendments to Articles of Agreement
  27. § 286e–5b. Acceptance of amendments to Articles of Agreement of the Fund approved on June 28, 1990
  28. § 286e–6. Vote against establishment of Council
  29. § 286e–7. Supplementary Financing Facility
  30. § 286e–8. Treatment of creditors in debt rescheduling
  31. § 286e–9. Stabilization programs
  32. § 286e–10. Repealed. Pub. L. 97–35, title XIII, § 1371(a)(1), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 746
  33. § 286e–11. Assistance by the Fund to any country harboring international terrorists
  34. § 286e–12. Contribution to Interest Subsidy Account of Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility of International Monetary Fund
  35. § 286e–13. Approval of fund pledge to sell gold to provide resources for Reserve Account of Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Trust
  36. § 286f. Obtaining and furnishing information to the Fund
  37. § 286g. Jurisdiction and venue of actions
  38. § 286h. Status, privileges, and immunities of the United States
  39. § 286i. Stabilization loans by Bank; amendment to Articles of Agreement
  40. § 286j. Use of Fund resources
  41. § 286k. Further promotion of international economic relations
  42. § 286k–1. Securities issued by Bank as exempt securities; reports filed with Security and Exchange Commission
  43. § 286k–2. Suspension of right of International Bank to issue securities under section 286k–1; report of Securities and Exchange Commission
  44. § 286l. British loan; authorization to Secretary of the Treasury to carry out agreement
  45. § 286m. Amount of loan; public-debt transaction; disposition of interest payments
  46. § 286n. Special Drawing Rights
  47. § 286o. Administration as part of the Exchange Stabilization Fund
  48. § 286p. Issuance, purpose, and redemption of Special Drawing Rights certificates
  49. § 286q. Limitation on allocations to the United States
  50. § 286r. United States participation in special drawing account
  51. § 286s. Consideration of basic human needs in economic adjustment programs supported by Fund
  52. § 286t. Omitted
  53. § 286u. Dollar-Special Drawing Rights substitution account
  54. § 286v. Membership for Taiwan in Fund
  55. § 286w. Denial of membership or other status in Fund for Palestine Liberation Organization; United States participation in Fund if membership or other status granted; report by President to Congress
  56. § 286x. Assistance to private sector of El Salvador, Nicaragua, and other nations
  57. § 286y. Promoting conditions for exchange rate stability
  58. § 286z. Collection and exchange of information on monetary and financial problems
  59. § 286aa. Instructions to United States Executive Director; Communist dictatorships
  60. § 286bb. Elimination of predatory agricultural export subsidies
  61. § 286cc. Sustaining economic growth
  62. § 286dd. Fund bailouts of banks; rescheduling of debt
  63. § 286ee. International cooperation
  64. § 286ff. Fund interest rates
  65. § 286gg. Elimination of trade restrictions
  66. § 286hh. Policy based lending for debt reduction
  67. § 286ii. Limitations on Bank policy based lending; actions required to be taken to oppose excessive policy based lending by Bank
  68. § 286jj. Partial guarantees in connection with debt reduction for borrower countries
  69. § 286kk. Discussions to enhance capacity of Fund to alleviate potentially adverse impacts of Fund programs on poor and environment
  70. § 286ll. Fund policy changes
  71. § 286mm. Measures to reduce military spending by developing nations
  72. § 286nn. Approval of contributions for debt reductions for the poorest countries
  73. § 286oo. Principles for International Monetary Fund lending
  74. § 286pp. Acceptance of amendments to Articles of Agreement of Fund approved on April 28 and May 5, 2008
  75. § 286qq. Quota increase to 4,973,100,000 Special Drawing Rights
  76. § 286rr. Approval to sell a limited amount of the Fund’s gold
  77. § 286ss. Acceptance of amendment to Articles of Agreement of Fund approved on October 22, 1997
  78. § 286tt. Restrictions on use of United States funds for foreign governments; protection of American taxpayers
  79. § 286uu. Acceptance of an amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the Bank to increase basic votes
  80. § 286vv. Capital stock increases
  81. § 286ww. Acceptance of amendments to Articles of Agreement of Fund
  82. § 286xx. Quota increase
  83. § 286yy. Opposition to assistance for any government that fails to implement sanctions on North Korea
  84. § 286zz. Capital stock increases