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Landlady is a female owner of the real property, who leases or rents a piece of land to a tenant. Landlady is essentially the same as a landlord, other than the gender. Like landlord, landlady is the owner of the property. However, like landlord, if the land is leased to a tenant, the landlady only has the right to enter the property with adequate notice to the tenant. If the landlady decides to end the lease, the landlady must give the tenant adequate notice as well. If the tenant refuses to leave the property after the end of the lease, or the tenant fails to pay rent, the landlady can have the tenant evicted. However, the landlady cannot evict the tenant by herself, instead, the landlady must get an eviction order from the court, and a sheriff will execute the eviction.

[Last updated in July of 2020 by the Wex Definitions Team]