We* recommend that the following actions be undertaken by the Consultant on Legal Education and the Standards Review Committee of the ABA Section on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar:
· 1. The Temporary Distance Education Guidelines should be revised so that experimentation with technology enhanced instruction is encouraged, communication fostered, and evaluation mandated.
· 2. A small workgroup should be established, with membership to include both representatives from the Section's the Standards Review Committee and tenured law faculty members who have spent two or more years engaging in a range of distance learning methodologies.
· 3. The workgroup should gather these comments and itself assess ways in which the standards should be modified so that they can reasonably be applied to law school courses utilizing these new teaching methodologies.
* Layman Allen - University of Michigan Law School; Tom Bruce - Cornell Law School; Steve Burnett - Seattle University School of Law; George Comeau - Suffolk University Law School; John Farago - CUNY School of Law; Joel Friedman - Tulane Law School; Paul Joseph - Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center; Kenneth Kirwin - William Mitchell College of Law; Peter Martin - Cornell Law School; Elmer Masters - Emory University School of Law; Marjorie McDiarmid - College of Law, West Virginia University; Michael Norwood - University of New Mexico School of Law; Theresa Player - University of San Diego School of Law; Polly Price - Emory University School of Law; Michael Rustad - Suffolk University Law School; Diana Sclar - Rutgers, Center for Law and Justice (Newark); Robert Seibel - CUNY School of Law; and Stephanie Willbanks - Vermont Law School