10 CFR § 51.123 - Charges for environmental documents; distribution to public; distribution to governmental agencies.
(a) Distribution to public. Upon written request to the Office of the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, e-mail distribution.resource@nrc.gov, and to the extent available, single copies of draft environmental impact statements and draft findings of no significant impact will be made available to interested persons without charge. Single copies of final environmental impact statements and final findings of no significant impact will also be provided without charge to the persons listed in §§ 51.93(a) and 51.119(c), respectively. When more than one copy of an environmental impact statement or a finding of no significant impact is requested or when available NRC copies have been exhausted, the requestor will be advised that the NRC will provide copies at the charges specified in § 9.35 of this chapter.
(b) Distribution to governmental agencies. Upon written request to the Office of the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, e-mail distribution.resource@nrc.gov, and to the extent available, copies of draft and final environmental impact statements and draft final findings of no significant impact will be made available in the number requested to Federal, State and local agencies, Indian Tribes, and State, regional, and metropolitan clearinghouses. When available NRC copies have been exhausted, the requester will be advised that the NRC will provide copies at the charges specified in § 9.35 of this chapter.
(c) Charges. Charges for the reproduction of environmental documents by the NRC at locations other than the NRC Public Document Room located in Washington, DC vary according to location.