10 CFR Subpart A - Subpart A—National Environmental Policy Act—Regulations Implementing Section 102(2)

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  1. § 51.10 Purpose and scope of subpart; application of regulations of Council on Environmental Quality.
  2. § 51.11 Relationship to other subparts. [Reserved]
  3. § 51.12 Application of subpart to ongoing environmental work.
  4. § 51.13 Emergencies.
  5. § 51.14 Definitions.
  6. § 51.15 Time schedules.
  7. § 51.16 Proprietary information.
  8. § 51.17 Information collection requirements; OMB approval.
  9. Preliminary Procedures (§ - )
  10. determinations to prepare environmental impact statements, environmental assessments or findings of no significant impact, and related procedures (§§ 51.25 - 51.27)
    1. § 51.25 Determination to prepare environmental impact statement or environmental assessment; eligibility for categorical exclusion.
    2. § 51.26 Requirement to publish notice of intent and conduct scoping process.
    3. § 51.27 Notice of intent.
  11. Environmental Reports and Information—Requirements Applicable to Applicants and Petitioners for Rulemaking (§ - )
  12. environmental reports—general requirements (§ 51.45)
    1. § 51.45 Environmental report.
  13. environmental reports—rulemaking (§ 51.68)
    1. § 51.68 Environmental report—rulemaking.
  14. Environmental Impact Statements (§ - )
  15. legislative environmental impact statements—proposals for legislation (§ 51.88)
    1. § 51.88 Proposals for legislation.
  16. final environmental impact statements—production and utilization facilities (§ 51.95)
    1. § 51.95 Postconstruction environmental impact statements.
  17. final environmental impact statements—materials licenses (§ 51.97)
    1. § 51.97 Final environmental impact statement—materials license.
  18. final environmental impact statements—rulemaking (§ 51.99)
    1. § 51.99 [Reserved]
  19. NEPA Procedure and Administrative Action (§ - )
  20. rulemaking (§ 51.110)
    1. § 51.110 [Reserved]
  21. Commenting (§ 51.124)
    1. § 51.124 Commission duty to comment.
  22. Responsible Official (§ 51.125)
    1. § 51.125 Responsible official.
  23. Appendix A to Subpart A of Part 51—Format for Presentation of Material in Environmental Impact Statements
  24. Appendix B to Subpart A of 10 CFR Part 51—Environmental Effect of Renewing the Operating License of a Nuclear Power Plant