12 CFR § 1076.101 - Claims against a Bureau employee based on negligence, wrongful act or omission.
(a) Procedure for filing claims. A claimant, or the claimant's duly authorized agent or legal representative may present a claim against a Bureau employee based on negligence, or wrongful act or omission, as specified in 28 CFR 14.3. Claimant or claimant's duly authorized agent or legal representative must file with the General Counsel of the Bureau a completed Claim for Damage or Injury (Standard Form 95), together with appropriate evidence and information, as specified in 28 CFR 14.4. Standard Form 95 may be obtained at http://www.justice.gov/civil/docs_forms./SF-95.pdf, or from the CFPB. Claimants also may submit a claim in the form of a letter or any other writing, a written statement, an audio file, a Braille or electronic document, and/or a video, as long as the submission contains all of the requirements of an administrative claim specified in 28 CFR part 14. Claims should be mailed or delivered to the General Counsel, Legal Division, CFPB, 1700 G Street NW., Washington, DC 20552, or emailed to CFPB_tortclaims@cfpb.gov.
(b) Determination of claims—(1) Delegation of authority to determine claims. The General Counsel, and such employees of the Legal Division as the General Counsel may designate are authorized to consider, ascertain, adjust, determine, compromise, and settle claims pursuant to the FTCA, as amended, and the regulations contained in 28 CFR part 14 and in this section.
(2) Disallowance of claims. If the General Counsel, or the General Counsel's designee, denies a claim, the General Counsel or designee shall notify the claimant, or the claimant's duly authorized agent or legal representative.