12 CFR Subpart K - Subpart K—Parties and Representational Practice Before the OCC; Standards of Conduct
- § 19.190 Scope.
- § 19.191 Definitions.
- § 19.192 Sanctions relating to conduct in an adjudicatory proceeding.
- § 19.193 Censure, suspension, or debarment.
- § 19.194 Eligibility of attorneys and accountants to practice.
- § 19.195 Incompetence.
- § 19.196 Disreputable conduct.
- § 19.197 Initiation of disciplinary proceeding.
- § 19.198 Conferences.
- § 19.199 Proceedings under this subpart.
- § 19.200 Effect of debarment, suspension, or censure.
- § 19.201 Petition for reinstatement.