14 CFR § 117.23 - Cumulative limitations.
§ 117.23 Cumulative limitations.
(a) The limitations of this section include all flying by flightcrew members on behalf of any certificate holder or 91K Program Manager during the applicable periods.
(b) No certificate holder may schedule and no flightcrew member may accept an assignment if the flightcrew member's total flight time will exceed the following:
(1) 100 hours in any 672 consecutive hours or
(2) 1,000 hours in any 365 consecutive calendar day period.
(c) No certificate holder may schedule and no flightcrew member may accept an assignment if the flightcrew member's total Flight Duty Period will exceed:
(1) 60 flight duty period hours in any 168 consecutive hours or
(2) 190 flight duty period hours in any 672 consecutive hours.
[Doc. No. FAA-2009-1093, 77 FR 398, Jan. 4, 2012; Amdt. 117-1A, 77 FR 28764, May 16, 2012; Amdt. 117-1, 78 FR 69288, Nov. 19, 2013]