17 CFR § 210.13-01 - Guarantors and issuers of guaranteed securities registered or being registered.
(a) For each guaranteed security subject to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and for each guaranteed security the offer and sale of which is being registered under the Securities Act of 1933, for which the registrant is the parent company (as that term is defined in § 210.3-10(b)(1)) of one or more subsidiaries that issue or guarantee the guaranteed security, provide the following disclosures to the extent material:
(1) A description of the issuers and guarantors of the guaranteed security;
(2) A description of the terms and conditions of the guarantees, and how payments to holders of the guaranteed security may be affected by the composition of and relationships among the issuers, guarantors, and subsidiaries of the parent company that are not issuers or guarantors of the guaranteed security;
(3) A description of other factors that may affect payments to holders of the guaranteed security, such as contractual or statutory restrictions on dividends, guarantee enforceability, or the rights of a noncontrolling interest holder;
(4) Summarized financial information as specified in § 210.1-02(bb)(1) of each issuer and guarantor of the guaranteed security as follows, with an accompanying note that briefly describes the basis of presentation:
(i) The summarized financial information of each such issuer and guarantor consolidated in the parent company's consolidated financial statements may be presented on a combined basis with the summarized financial information of the parent company;
(ii) Intercompany balances and transactions between issuers and guarantors whose summarized financial information is presented on a combined basis shall be eliminated;
(iii) The summarized financial information shall exclude subsidiaries that are not issuers or guarantors. An issuer's or guarantor's investment in a subsidiary that is not an issuer or guarantor shall not be presented. An issuer's or guarantor's amounts due from, amounts due to, and transactions with any of the following shall be presented in separate line items:
(A) Subsidiaries that are not issuers or guarantors; and
(B) Related parties;
(iv) If the information provided in response to the requirements of this section (e.g., factors that may affect payments to holders of the guaranteed security) is applicable to one or more, but not all, issuers and/or guarantors, separately disclose the summarized financial information applicable to those issuers and/or guarantors. In limited circumstances (i.e., where the separate financial information applicable to those issuers and/or guarantors can be easily explained and understood), narrative disclosure may be provided in lieu of the separate summarized financial information otherwise required by this paragraph (a)(4)(iv);
(v) Disclose this summarized financial information as of and for the most recently ended fiscal year and year-to-date interim period included in the parent company's consolidated financial statements; and
(vi) Notwithstanding that a parent company may omit this summarized financial information if not material, it may also be omitted if one of the following in paragraphs (a)(4)(vi)(A) through (D) of this section is true and disclosed. However, paragraph (a)(4)(vi)(A) does not apply if separate disclosure of summarized financial information applicable to one or more, but not all, issuers and/or guarantors is required by paragraph (a)(4)(iv) of this section. For the purposes of this section, a finance subsidiary is a subsidiary that has no assets or operations other than those related to the issuance, administration and repayment of the security being registered and any other securities guaranteed by its parent company:
(A) The assets, liabilities and results of operations of the combined issuers and guarantors of the guaranteed security are not materially different than corresponding amounts presented in the consolidated financial statements of the parent company;
(B) The combined issuers and guarantors, excluding investments in subsidiaries that are not issuers or guarantors, have no material assets, liabilities or results of operations;
(C) The issuer is a finance subsidiary of the parent company, the parent company has fully and unconditionally guaranteed the security, and no other subsidiary of the parent company guarantees the security; or
(D) The issuer is a finance subsidiary that co-issued the security, jointly and severally, with the parent company, and no other subsidiary of the parent company guarantees the security;
(5) In a Securities Act registration statement filed in connection with the offer and sale of the guaranteed security, if the parent company acquired a significant business after the date of the parent company's most recent balance sheet included in its consolidated financial statements and the acquired business, one or more of the acquired business's subsidiaries, or the acquired business and one or more of its subsidiaries are issuers or guarantors of the guaranteed securities, disclose pre-acquisition summarized financial information as specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this section for each such issuer or guarantor. The acquired business is significant if it meets any of the conditions specified in the definition of significant subsidiary in § 210.1-02(w), substituting 20 percent for 10 percent each place it appears therein, based on a comparison of the most recent annual financial statements of the acquired business and the parent company's most recent annual consolidated financial statements filed at or prior to the date of acquisition. The determination of whether a business has been acquired shall be made in accordance with the guidance set forth in § 210.11-01(d). Acquisitions of a group of related businesses shall be treated as if they are a single business acquisition for purposes of this comparison. The determination of whether a group of businesses are related shall be made in a manner consistent with § 210.3-05(a)(3);
(6) Any financial and narrative information about each guarantor if the information would be material for investors to evaluate the sufficiency of the guarantee; and
(7) Sufficient information so as to make the financial and non-financial information presented not misleading.
(b) The parent company may elect to provide the disclosures required by this section in a footnote to its consolidated financial statements or alternatively, in management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations described in § 229.303 (Item 303 of Regulation S-K) of this chapter. If not otherwise included in the consolidated financial statements or in management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations, the parent company must include the disclosures in its prospectus immediately following “Risk Factors,” if any, or otherwise, immediately following pricing information described in § 229.105 (Item 105 of Regulation S-K) of this chapter.