17 CFR § 260.11b-6 - Definition of “self-liquidating paper” in section 311(b)(6).
The term self-liquidating paper, as used in section 311(b)(6) of the Act, means any draft, bill of exchange, acceptance or obligation which is made, drawn, negotiated or incurred by the obligor for the purpose of financing the purchase, processing, manufacture, shipment, storage or sale of goods, wares or merchandise and which is secured by documents evidencing title to, possession of or a lien upon the goods, wares or merchandise or the receivables or proceeds arising from the sale of the goods, wares or merchandise previously constituting the security: Provided, The security is received by the trustee simultaneously with the creation of the creditor relationship with the obligor arising from the making, drawing, negotiating or incurring of the draft, bill of exchange, acceptance or obligation.