19 CFR Subpart E - Subpart E—Restrictions on Drawback and Duty-Deferral Programs
- § 182.41 Applicability.
- § 182.42 Duties and fees not subject to drawback.
- § 182.43 Eligible goods subject to USMCA drawback.
- § 182.44 Calculation of drawback.
- § 182.45 Goods eligible for full drawback.
- § 182.46 Filing of drawback claim.
- § 182.47 Completion of claim for drawback.
- § 182.49 Retention of records.
- § 182.50 Liquidation and payment of drawback claims.
- § 182.51 Prevention of improper payment of claims.
- § 182.52 Subsequent claims for preferential tariff treatment.
- § 182.54 Verification of claim for drawback, waiver or reduction of duties.