20 CFR § 10.113 - What should the employer do when an employee dies from a work-related injury or disease?
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(a) The employer shall immediately report a death due to a work-related traumatic injury or occupational disease to OWCP by telephone, telegram, or facsimile (fax). No more than 10 working days after notification of the death, the employer shall complete and send Form CA-6 to OWCP.
(b) When possible, the employer shall furnish a Form CA-5 or CA-5b to all persons likely to be entitled to compensation for death of an employee. The employer should also supply information about completing and filing the form.
(c) The employer shall promptly transmit Form CA-5 or CA-5b to OWCP. The employer shall also promptly transmit to OWCP any other claim or paper submitted which appears to claim compensation on account of death.