20 CFR § 404.409 - What is full retirement age?
Full retirement age is the age at which you may receive unreduced old-age, wife's, husband's, widow's, or widower's benefits. Full retirement age has been 65 but is being gradually raised to age 67 beginning with people born after January 1, 1938. See § 404.102 regarding determination of age.
(a) What is my full retirement age for old-age benefits or wife's or husband's benefits? You may receive unreduced old-age, wife's, or husband's benefits beginning with the month you attain the age shown.
If your birth date is: | Full retirement age is: |
Before 1/2/1938 | 65 years. |
1/2/1938—1/1/1939 | 65 years and 2 months. |
1/2/1939—1/1/1940 | 65 years and 4 months. |
1/2/1940—1/1/1941 | 65 years and 6 months. |
1/2/1941—1/1/1942 | 65 years and 8 months. |
1/2/1942—1/1/1943 | 65 years and 10 months. |
1/2/1943—1/1/1955 | 66 years. |
1/2/1955—1/1/1956 | 66 years and 2 months. |
1/2/1956—1/1/1957 | 66 years and 4 months. |
1/2/1957—1/1/1958 | 66 years and 6 months. |
1/2/1958—1/1/1959 | 66 years and 8 months. |
1/2/1959—1/1/1960 | 66 years and 10 months. |
1/2/1960 and later | 67 years. |
(b) What is my full retirement age for widow's or widower's benefits? You may receive unreduced widow's or widower's benefits beginning with the month you attain the age shown.
If your birth date is: | Full retirement age is: |
Before 1/2/1912 | 62 years. |
1/2/1912—1/1/1940 | 65 years. |
1/2/1940—1/1/1941 | 65 years and 2 months. |
1/2/1941—1/1/1942 | 65 years and 4 months. |
1/2/1942—1/1/1943 | 65 years and 6 months. |
1/2/1943—1/1/1944 | 65 years and 8 months. |
1/2/1944—1/1/1945 | 65 years and 10 months. |
1/2/1945—1/1/1957 | 66 years. |
1/2/1957—1/1/1958 | 66 years and 2 months. |
1/2/1958—1/1/1959 | 66 years and 4 months. |
1/2/1959—1/1/1960 | 66 years and 6 months. |
1/2/1960—1/1/1961 | 66 years and 8 months. |
1/2/1961—1/1/1962 | 66 years and 10 months. |
1/2/1962 and later | 67 years. |
(c) Can I still retire before full retirement age? You may still elect early retirement. You may receive old-age, wife's or husband's benefits at age 62. You may receive widow's or widower's benefits at age 60. Those benefits will be reduced as explained in § 404.410.