22 CFR § 216.1 - Introduction.
(a) Purpose. In accordance with sections 118(b) and 621 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, (the FAA) the following general procedures shall be used by A.I.D. to ensure that environmental factors and values are integrated into the A.I.D. decision making process. These procedures also assign responsibility within the Agency for assessing the environmental effects of A.I.D.'s actions. These procedures are consistent with Executive Order 12114, issued January 4, 1979, entitled Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Actions, and the purposes of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1970, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4371 et seq.) (NEPA). They are intended to implement the requirements of NEPA as they effect the A.I.D. program.
(b) Environmental policy. In the conduct of its mandate to help upgrade the quality of life of the poor in developing countries, A.I.D. conducts a broad range of activities. These activities address such basic problems as hunger, malnutrition, overpopulation, disease, disaster, deterioration of the environment and the natural resource base, illiteracy as well as the lack of adequate housing and transportation. Pursuant to the FAA, A.I.D. provides development assistance in the form of technical advisory services, research, training, construction and commodity support. In addition, A.I.D. conducts programs under the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (Pub. L. 480) that are designed to combat hunger, malnutrition and to facilitate economic development. Assistance programs are carried out under the foreign policy guidance of the Secretary of State and in cooperation with the governments of sovereign states. Within this framework, it is A.I.D. policy to:
(1) Ensure that the environmental consequences of A.I.D.-financed activities are identified and considered by A.I.D. and the host country prior to a final decision to proceed and that appropriate environmental safeguards are adopted;
(2) Assist developing countries to strengthen their capabilities to appreciate and effectively evaluate the potential environmental effects of proposed development strategies and projects, and to select, implement and manage effective environmental programs;
(3) Identify impacts resulting from A.I.D.'s actions upon the environment, including those aspects of the biosphere which are the common and cultural heritage of all mankind; and
(4) Define environmental limiting factors that constrain development and identify and carry out activities that assist in restoring the renewable resource base on which sustained development depends.
(c) Definitions—(1) CEQ regulations. Regulations promulgated by the President's Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) (Federal Register, Volume 43, Number 230, November 29, 1978) under the authority of NEPA and Executive Order 11514, entitled Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality (March 5, 1970) as amended by Executive Order 11991 (May 24, 1977).
(2) Initial Environmental Examination. An Initial Environmental Examination is the first review of the reasonably foreseeable effects of a proposed action on the environment. Its function is to provide a brief statement of the factual basis for a Threshold Decision as to whether an Environmental Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement will be required.
(3) Threshold Decision. A formal Agency decision which determines, based on an Initial Environmental Examination, whether a proposed Agency action is a major action significantly affecting the environment.
(4) Environmental Assessment. A detailed study of the reasonably forseeable significant effects, both beneficial and adverse, of a proposed action on the environment of a foreign country or countries.
(5) Environmental Impact Statement. A detailed study of the reasonably foreseeable environmental impacts, both positive and negative, of a proposed A.I.D. action and its reasonable alternatives on the United States, the global environment or areas outside the jurisdiction of any nation as described in § 216.7 of these procedures. It is a specific document having a definite format and content, as provided in NEPA and the CEQ Regulations. The required form and content of an Environmental Impact Statement is further described in § 216.7 infra.
(6) Project Identification Document (PID). An internal A.I.D. document which initially identifies and describes a proposed project.
(7) Program Assistance Initial Proposal (PAIP). An internal A.I.D. document used to initiate and identify proposed non-project assistance, including commodity import programs. It is analogous to the PID.
(8) Project Paper (PP). An internal A.I.D. document which provides a definitive description and appraisal of the project and particularly the plan or implementation.
(9) Program Assistance Approval Document (PAAD). An internal A.I.D. document approving non-project assistance. It is analogous to the PP.
(10) Environment. The term environment, as used in these procedures with respect to effects occurring outside the United States, means the natural and physical environment. With respect to effects occurring within the United States see § 216.7(b).
(11) Significant effect. With respect to effects on the environment outside the United States, a proposed action has a significant effect on the environment if it does significant harm to the environment.
(12) Minor donor. For purposes of these procedures, A.I.D. is a minor donor to a multidonor project when A.I.D. does not control the planning or design of the multidonor project and either (i) A.I.D.'s total contribution to the project is both less than $1,000,000 and less than 25 percent of the estimated project cost, or (ii) A.I.D.'s total contribution is more than $1,000,000 but less than 25 percent of the estimated project cost and the environmental procedures of the donor in control of the planning of design of the project are followed, but only if the A.I.D. Environmental Coordinator determines that such procedures are adequate.