24 CFR § 42.325 - Residential antidisplacement and relocation assistance plan.
(a) Certification.
(1) As part of its consolidated plan under 24 CFR part 91, the recipient must certify that it has in effect and is following a residential antidisplacement and relocation assistance plan.
(2) A unit of general local government receiving funds from the State must certify to the State that it has in effect and is following a residential antidisplacement and relocation assistance plan, and that it will minimize displacement of persons as a result of assisted activities. The State may require the unit of general local government to follow the State's plan or permit it to develop its own plan. A unit of general local government that develops its own plan must adopt the plan and make it public.
(b) Plan contents.
(1) The plan shall indicate the steps that will be taken consistent with other goals and objectives of the program, as provided in parts 92 and 570 of this title, to minimize the displacement of families and individuals from their homes and neighborhoods as a result of any assisted activities.
(2) The plan shall provide for relocation assistance in accordance with § 42.350.
(3) The plan shall provide one-for-one replacement units to the extent required by § 42.375.