26 CFR § 1.907(c)-2 - Section 907(c)(3) items (for taxable years beginning after December 31, 1982).
(a) Scope. This section provides rules relating to certain items listed in section 907(c)(3). The rules of this section are expressed in terms of FORI but apply for determining FOGEI by substituting “FOGEI” for “FORI” whenever appropriate. FOGEI does not include interest described in section 907(c)(3)(A). Dividends paid prior to January 1, 1987, and described in section 907(c)(3)(B), as in effect prior to amendment by the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988, are included in FORI and not FOGEI.
(b) Dividend—(1) Section 1248 dividend. A section 1248 dividend is a dividend described in section 907(c)(3)(A). Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (b)(1), gain (or loss) from the disposition of stock in any corporation is not FOGEI or FORI. See § 1.907(c)-1(e) (3) and (4).
(2) Section 78 dividend. A section 78 dividend is FORI to the extent it arises from a dividend described in section 907(c)(3)(A), or an amount described in section 907(c)(3)(C).
(c) Taxes deemed paid—(1) Voting stock test. Items described in section 907(c)(3) (A) or (C) are FORI only if a deemed-paid-tax test is met under the criteria of section 902 or 960. The purpose of this test is to require minimum direct or indirect ownership by a domestic corporation in the voting stock of a foreign corporation as a prerequisite for the item to qualify as FORI in the hands of the domestic corporation. The test is whether a domestic corporation would be deemed to pay any taxes of a foreign corporation when a dividend or an amount described in section 907(c)(3) (A) or (C), respectively, is included in the domestic corporation's gross income. In the case of interest described in section 907(c)(3)(A), the test is whether any taxes would be deemed paid if there were a hypothetical dividend.
(2) Dividends and interest. For purposes of section 907(c)(3)(A), a domestic corporation is deemed under section 902 to pay taxes in respect of dividends and interest received from a foreign corporation whether or not the foreign corporation:
(i) Actually pays or is deemed to pay taxes, or
(ii) In the case of interest, actually pays dividends.
(3) Amounts included under section 951(a). For purposes of section 907(c)(3)(C), a domestic corporation is deemed under section 960 to pay taxes in respect of a foreign corporation, whether or not the foreign corporation actually pays taxes on the amounts included in gross income under section 951(a).
(d) Amount attributable to certain items—(1) Certain dividends—(i) General rule. The portion of a dividend described in section 907(c)(3)(A) that is FORI equals—
(ii) Cross-references. See § 1.902-1(g) for the determination of a foreign corporation's earnings and profits and of those out of which a dividend is paid. See § 1.1248-2 or 1.1248-3 for the determination of the earnings and profits attributable to the sale or exchange of stock in certain foreign corporations.
(2) Interest received from certain foreign corporations. Interest described in section 907(c)(3)(A) is FORI to the extent the corresponding interest expense of the paying corporation is properly allocable and apportionable to the gross income of the paying corporation that would be FORI were that corporation a domestic corporation. This allocation and apportionment is made in a manner consistent with the rules of section 954(b)(5) and § 1.861-8(e)(2).
(3) Dividends from domestic corporation. The amount of a dividend from a corporation described in section 907(c)(3)(B), as in effect prior to amendment by the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988, paid in a taxable year of that corporation beginning before December 31, 1986, that is FORI is determined under the principles of paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section with respect to its current earnings and profits under section 316(a)(2) or its accumulated earnings and profits under section 316(a)(1), as the case may be.
(4) Amounts with respect to which taxes are deemed paid under section 906(a)—(i) Portion attributable to FORI. The portion of an amount described in section 907(c)(3)(C) that is FORI equals:
(ii) Earnings and profits. Total earnings and profits are those of the foreign corporation for a taxable year under section 964 and the regulations under that section.
(5) Section 78 dividend. The portion of a section 78 dividend that will be considered FORI will equal the amount of taxes deemed paid under either section 902(a) or section 960(a)(1) with respect to the dividend to the extent the taxes deemed paid are FORI taxes under § 1.907(c)-3 (b) or (c). See § 1.907(c)-3(a)(1).
(6) Special rule.
(i) No item in the formula described in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section includes amounts excluded from the gross income of a United States shareholder under section 959(a)(1).
(ii) With respect to a foreign corporation, earnings and profits in the formula described in paragraph (d)(4)(i) of this section do not include amounts excluded under section 959(b) from its gross income.
(7) Deficits—(i) Allocation of deficits within a separate category. In a taxable year in which a foreign corporation described in section 907(c)(3)(A) pays a dividend or has income that is subject to inclusion under section 951, if the foreign corporation has positive post—1986 undistributed earnings in a separate category but within that separate category there is a deficit in post-1986 undistributed earnings attributable to earnings other than FOGEI and FORI, that deficit shall be allocated ratably between the FOGEI and FORI post-1986 undistributed earnings within that separate category. Any deficit in post-1986 undistributed earnings attributable to either FOGEI or FORI shall be allocated first to FOGEI or FORI post-1986 undistributed earnings (as the case may be) to the extent thereof. Post-1986 undistributed FORI earnings are the post-1986 undistributed earnings (as defined in section 902 and the regulations under that section) attributable to FORI as defined in section 907(c) (2) and (3). Post-1986 undistributed FOGEI earnings are the post-1986 undistributed earnings (as defined in section 902 and the regulations under that section) attributable to FOGEI as defined in section 907(c) (1) and (3).
Earnings | Taxes | |
FOGEI | $800 | $400 |
FORI | (750) | |
Other | 700 | 250 |
Total | $750 | $650 |
(ii) Deficits allocated among separate categories. If a deficit in a separate category (“first separate category”) is allocated to another separate category (“second separate category”) under sections 902 and 960 pursuant to notice 88-71, 1988-2 CB 374 and the regulations under those sections, the following rules shall apply. Any deficit in post-1986 undistributed earnings attributable to either FOGEI (or FORI) from the first separate category shall be allocated to post-1986 undistributed earnings in the second separate category to the extent thereof in the following order:
(A) FOGEI (or FORI),
(B) FORI (or FOGEI), and
(C) Other income.
(iii) Pre-1987 deficits. The amount of a dividend paid by a foreign corporation described in section 907(c)(3)(A) out of positive pre-1987 earnings that is attributable to FOGEI and FORI shall be determined in a manner similar to that used in paragraph (d)(7) (i) and (ii) of this section except that the determinations shall be made on an annual basis.
(8) Illustrations. The application of this paragraph (d) is illustrated by the following examples.
(ii) Under paragraphs (c)(2) and (d)(1)(i) of this section, Y has FOGEI of $112.50, i.e., the amount of the dividend received by Y ($300) multiplied by the fraction described in paragraph (d)(1)(i). The numerator of the fraction is Z's FOGEI accumulated profits in excess of the FOGEI taxes paid ($112.50) and the denominator is Z's total accumulated profits in excess of total foreign taxes paid ($400) minus the amount excluded from Y's gross income under section 959(a)(1) ($100). The rule of paragraph (d)(6)(ii) of this section does not apply since X does not include any amount in its gross income under section 951(a) with respect to Y. If Y paid taxes to S, this paragraph (d) would apply to characterize those taxes as FOGEI taxes or other taxes. See § 1.907(c)-3(a)(8) and Example 2 (iii) under § 1.907(c)-3(e).
(iii) The distribution from Y to X is a dividend to the extent of $300, i.e., the amount of the distribution ($400) minus the amount excluded from X's gross income under section 959(a)(1) ($100). Under paragraphs (d) (1)(i) and (6)(i) of this section, $112.50 of the dividend is FOGEI, i.e., the amount of the dividend ($300) multiplied by a fraction. The numerator of the fraction is $112.50, i.e., the FOGEI accumulated profits of Y in excess of FOGEI taxes paid ($150) minus the FOGEI accumulated profits of Y in excess of FOGEI taxes paid excluded from X's gross income under section 959(a)(1) ($37.50). The denominator of the fraction is $300, i.e., the total accumulated profits of Y in excess of taxes paid ($400) minus the amount excluded from X's gross income under section 959(a)(1) ($100).
(e) Dividends, interest, and other amounts from sources within a possession. FORI includes the items listed in (A) and (C) to the extent attributable to FORI of a corporation that is created or organized in or under the laws of a possession of the United States.
(f) Income from partnerships, trusts, etc. FORI and FOGEI include a person's distributive share (determined under the principles of section 704) of the income of any partnership and amounts included in income under subchapter J of chapter 1 of the Code (relating to the taxation of trusts, estates, and beneficiaries) to the extent the income and amounts are attributable to FORI and FOGEI. For taxable years beginning after 1986, the principles of § 1.904-5 (h) and (i) shall be applied to determine whether (and to what extent) a person's distributive share is FORI and FOGEI. Thus, for example, a less-than-10 percent corporate partner's share of income of the partnership would generally be treated as passive income to the partner, and not as FORI or FOGEI, unless an exception under § 1.904-5 (h) and (i) applies.