27 CFR § 19.623 - Records of inventories.

§ 19.623 Records of inventories.

(a) General. When conducting an inventory required by this part, the proprietor must prepare a record of the inventory taken. The record must include the following:

(1) The date of the inventory;

(2) The identity of the container(s);

(3) The kind and quantity of spirits, denatured spirits, and wines;

(4) Any losses (whether by theft, voluntary destruction or otherwise), gains or shortages; and

(5) The proprietor's signature, or the signature of the person taking the inventory, with the penalties of perjury statement as prescribed in § 19.45.

(b) Overages, gains, or losses. A proprietor must record in the daily records of operations, tank records, dump/batch records, bottling and packaging records, or denaturation records, as appropriate, any overages, gains, or losses disclosed by an inventory.

(c) Retention. A proprietor must retain inventory records and make them available for inspection by TTB officers.