28 CFR Subpart C - Subpart C—Standards for Community Confinement Facilities
Prevention Planning (§§ 115.211 - 115.218)
- § 115.211 Zero tolerance of sexual abuse and sexual harassment; PREA coordinator.
- § 115.212 Contracting with other entities for the confinement of residents.
- § 115.213 Supervision and monitoring.
- § 115.214 [Reserved]
- § 115.215 Limits to cross-gender viewing and searches.
- § 115.216 Residents with disabilities and residents who are limited English proficient.
- § 115.217 Hiring and promotion decisions.
- § 115.218 Upgrades to facilities and technologies.
Responsive Planning (§§ 115.221 - 115.222)
Screening for Risk of Sexual Victimization and Abusiveness (§§ 115.241 - 115.243)
Official Response Following a Resident Report (§§ 115.261 - 115.268)
- § 115.261 Staff and agency reporting duties.
- § 115.262 Agency protection duties.
- § 115.263 Reporting to other confinement facilities.
- § 115.264 Staff first responder duties.
- § 115.265 Coordinated response.
- § 115.266 Preservation of ability to protect residents from contact with abusers
- § 115.267 Agency protection against retaliation.
- § 115.268 [Reserved]
Investigations (§§ 115.271 - 115.273)
Medical and Mental Care (§§ 115.281 - 115.283)
Data Collection and Review (§§ 115.286 - 115.289)
Audits (§ 115.293)