32 CFR § 1656.1 - Purpose; definitions.
(a) The provisions of this part govern the administration of registrants in Class 1-W and the Alternative Service Program.
(b) The definitions of this paragraph shall apply in the interpretation of the provisions of this part:
(1) Alternative Service (AS). Civilian work performed in lieu of military service by a registrant who has been classified in Class 1-W.
(2) Alternative Service Office (ASO). An office to administer the Alternative Service Program in a specified geographical area.
(3) Alternative Service Office Manager (ASOM). The head of the ASO.
(4) Alternative Service Work. Civilian work which contributes to the maintenance of the national health, safety or interest, as the Director may deem appropriate.
(5) Alternative Service Worker (ASW). A registrant who has been found to be qualified for service and has been ordered to perform alternative service (Class 1-W).
(6) Creditable Time. Time that is counted toward an ASWs fulfillment of his alternative service obligation.
(7) Director. The Director of Selective Service, unless used with a modifier.
(8) Employer. Any institution, firm, agency or corporation engaged in lawful activity in the United States, its territories or possessions, or in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, that has been approved by Selective Service to employ ASWs.
(9) Job Assignment. A job with an eligible employer to which an ASW is assigned to perform his alternative service.
(10) Job Bank. A current inventory of alternative service job openings.
(11) Job Matching. A comparison of the ASW's work experience, education, training, special skills, and work preferences with the requirements of the positions in the job bank.
(12) Job Placement. Assignment of the ASW to alternative service work.
(13) Open Placement. The assignment of ASWs without employer interview to employers who have agreed to employ all ASWs assigned to them up to an agreed number.