33 CFR § 165.732 - Escorted Submarines Sector Jacksonville Captain of the Port Zone.
(a) Location. The following areas are regulated navigation areas (RNA) whenever any Navy submarine (foreign or domestic) is being escorted by the Coast Guard within the Sector Jacksonville Captain of the Port Zone territorial seas:
(1) All waters within 1 nautical mile of any Navy submarine operating within the Sector Jacksonville Captain of the Port Zone territorial seas; and
(2) All waters within 1 nautical mile of the charted center of the navigation channel from the southern tip of Crab Island in the Cumberland Sound, Georgia, to the St. Marys Entrance Channel and its approach extending eastward to lighted buoy “STM.”
(b) Regulations. All persons and vessels located within a RNA created by paragraph (a) shall follow all lawful orders and/or directions given to them by designated Coast Guard representatives. 33 CFR 165, subpart B, contains additional provisions applicable to the RNA created in paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) Notification. The Coast Guard escort will attempt, when necessary and practicable, to notify any persons or vessels inside or approaching the vicinity of a RNA created in paragraph (a) of this section of its existence via VHF Channel 16 and/or any other means reasonably available.