33 CFR § 165.757 - Safety Zones; Ports of Ponce, Tallaboa, and Guayanilla, Puerto Rico and Limetree Bay, St. Croix, U.S.V.I.
(a) Location. The following areas are established as a safety zones during the specified conditions:
(1) Port of Ponce, Puerto Rico. A 100-yard radius surrounding all Liquefied Hazardous Gas (LHG) vessels with product aboard while transiting north of Latitude 17°57.0′ N in the waters of the Caribbean Sea on approach to or departing from the Port of Ponce, Puerto Rico (NAD 83). The safety zone remains in effect until the LHG vessel is docked.
(2) Port of Tallaboa, Puerto Rico. A 100-yard radius surrounding all Liquefied Hazardous Gas (LHG) vessels with product aboard while transiting north of Latitude 17°56.0′ N in the waters of the Caribbean Sea on approach to or departing from the Port of Tallaboa, Puerto Rico (NAD 83). The safety zone remains in effect until the LHG vessel is docked.
(3) Port of Guayanilla, Puerto Rico. A 100-yard radius surrounding all Liquefied Hazardous Gas (LHG) vessels around with product aboard while transiting north of Latitude 17°57.0′ N in the waters of the Caribbean Sea on approach to or departing from the Port of Guayanilla, Puerto Rico (NAD 83). The safety zone remains in effect until the LHG vessel is docked.
(4) Port of Limetree Bay, St. Croix, U.S.V.I. A 100-yard radius surrounding all Liquefied Hazardous Gas (LHG) vessels with product aboard while transiting north of Latitude 17°39.0′ N in the waters of the Caribbean Sea on approach to or departing from the Port of Limetree Bay, U.S.V.I. (NAD 83). The safety zone remains in effect until the LHG vessel is docked.
(b) Regulations. In accordance with the general regulations in § 165.23 of this part, anchoring, mooring or transiting in these zones is prohibited unless authorized by the Coast Guard Captain of the Port. Coast Guard Sector San Juan will notify the maritime community of periods during which these safety zones will be in effect by providing advance notice of scheduled arrivals and departures on LHG carriers via a broadcast notice to mariners on VHF Marine Band Radio, Channel 16 (156.8 MHz).