38 CFR § 59.80 - Amount of grant.
(a) The total cost of a project (VA and State) for which a grant is awarded under this part may not be less than $400,000 and, except as provided in paragraph (i) of this section, the total cost of a project will not exceed the total cost of new construction. The amount of a grant awarded under this part will be the amount requested by the State and approved in accordance with this part, not to exceed 65 percent of the total cost of the project except that:
(1) The total cost of a project will not include the cost of space that exceeds the maximum allowable space specified in this part, and
(2) The amount of the grant may be less than 65 percent of the total cost of the project if the State accepts less because VA did not have sufficient funds to award the full amount of the grant requested.
(b) The total cost of a project under this part for acquisition of a facility may also include construction costs.
(c) The total cost of a project under this part will not include any costs incurred before the date VA sent the State written notification that the application in § 59.20 was approved.
(d) The total cost of a project under this part may include administration and production costs, e.g., architectural and engineering fees, inspection fees, and printing and advertising costs.
(e) The total cost of a project under this part may include the cost of projects on the grounds of the facility, e.g., parking lots, landscaping, sidewalks, streets, and storm sewers, only if they are inextricably involved with the construction of the project.
(f) The total cost of a project under this part may include the cost of equipment necessary for the operation of the State home facility. This may include the cost of:
(1) Fixed equipment included in the construction or acquisition contract. Fixed equipment must be permanently affixed to the building or connected to the heating, ventilating, air conditioning, or other service distributed through the building via ducts, pipes, wires, or other connecting device. Fixed equipment must be installed during construction. Examples of fixed equipment include kitchen and intercommunication equipment, built-in cabinets, and cubicle curtain rods; and
(2) Other equipment not included in the construction contract constituting no more than 10 percent of the total construction contract cost of the project. Other equipment includes: furniture, furnishings, wheeled equipment, kitchen utensils, linens, draperies, blinds, electric clocks, pictures and trash cans.
(g) The contingency allowance may not exceed five percent of the total cost of the project for new construction or eight percent for renovation projects.
(h) The total cost of a project under this part may not include the cost of:
(1) Land acquisition;
(2) Maintenance or repair work; or
(3) Office supplies or consumable goods (such as food, drugs, medical dressings, paper, printed forms, and soap) which are routinely used in a State home.
(i) A grant for expansion, remodeling, or alteration of an existing State home, which is on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, for furnishing domiciliary, nursing home, or adult day health care to veterans may not be awarded for the expansion, remodeling, or alteration of such building if such action does not comply with National Historic Preservation Act procedures or if the total cost of remodeling, renovating, or adapting such building or facility exceeds the cost of comparable new construction by more than five percent. If demolition of an existing building or facility on, or eligible for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places is deemed necessary and such demolition action is taken in compliance with National Historic Preservation Act procedures, any mitigation cost negotiated in the compliance process and/or the cost to professionally record the building or facility in the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), plus the total cost for demolition and site restoration, shall be included by the State in calculating the total cost of new construction.
(j) The cost of demolition of a building cannot be included in the total cost of construction unless the proposed construction is in the same location as the building to be demolished or unless the demolition is inextricably linked to the design of the construction project.
(k) With respect to the final award of a conditionally-approved grant, the Secretary may not award a grant for an amount that is 10 percent more than the amount conditionally-approved.