40 CFR § 271.27 - Interim authorization-by-rule for the revised Corrective Action Management Unit rule.
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§ 271.27 Interim authorization-by-rule for the revised Corrective Action Management Unit rule.
(a) States shall be deemed to have interim authorization pursuant to section 3006(g) of RCRA for the revised Corrective Action Management Unit rule if:
(1) The State has been granted final authorization pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA for the regulation entitled “Corrective Action Management Units and Temporary Units,” February 16, 1993 and cited in Table 1 in § 271.1; and
(2) The State notifies the Regional Administrator by March 25, 2002 that the State intends to and is able to use the revised Corrective Action Management Unit Standards rule as guidance.
(b) Interim authorization pursuant to this section expires on August 30, 2004 if the State has not submitted an application for final authorization.
[67 FR 3029, Jan. 22, 2002]