40 CFR § 51.115 - Air quality data and projections.
(a) Each plan must contain a summary of data showing existing air quality.
(b) Each plan must:
(1) Contain a summary of air quality concentrations expected to result from application of the control strategy, and
(2) Identify and describe the dispersion model, other air quality model, or receptor model used.
(c) Actual measurements of air quality must be used where available if made by methods specified in appendix C to part 58 of this chapter. Estimated air quality using appropriate modeling techniques may be used to supplement measurements.
(d) For purposes of developing a control strategy, background concentration shall be taken into consideration with respect to particulate matter. As used in this subpart, background concentration is that portion of the measured ambient levels that cannot be reduced by controlling emissions from man-made sources.
(e) In developing an ozone control strategy for a particular area, background ozone concentrations and ozone transported into an area must be considered. States may assume that the ozone standard will be attained in upwind areas.