40 CFR § 60.38b - Compliance and performance testing.
§ 60.38b Compliance and performance testing.
(a) For approval, a State plan shall include the performance testing methods listed in § 60.58b of subpart Eb of this part, as applicable, except as provided for under § 60.24(b)(2) of subpart B of this part and paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.
(b) For approval, a State plan shall include for designated facilities the alternative performance testing schedule for dioxins/furans specified in § 60.58b(g)(5)(iii) of subpart Eb of this part, as applicable, for those designated facilities that achieve a dioxin/furan emission level less than or equal to 15 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter total mass, corrected to 7 percent oxygen.
(c) [Reserved]
[60 FR 65415, Dec. 19, 1995, as amended at 62 FR 45120, Aug. 25, 1997]