40 CFR § 61.65 - Emission standard for ethylene dichloride, vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride plants.
An owner or operator of an ethylene dichloride, vinyl chloride, and/or polyvinyl chloride plant shall comply with the requirements of this section.
(a) Relief valve discharge (RVD). Except for an emergency relief discharge, and except as provided in § 61.65(d), there is to be no discharge to the atmosphere from any relief valve on any equipment in vinyl chloride service. An emergency relief discharge means a discharge which could not have been avoided by taking measures to prevent the discharge. Within 10 days of any relief valve discharge, except for those subject to § 61.65(d), the owner or operator of the source from which the relief valve discharge occurs shall submit to the Administrator a report in writing containing information on the source, nature and cause of the discharge, the date and time of the discharge, the approximate total vinyl chloride loss during the discharge, the method used for determining the vinyl chloride loss (the calculation of the vinyl chloride loss), the action that was taken to prevent the discharge, and measures adopted to prevent future discharges.
(b) Fugitive emission sources—(1) Loading and unloading lines. Vinyl chloride emissions from loading and unloading lines in vinyl chloride service which are opened to the atmosphere after each loading or unloading operation are to be minimized as follows:
(i) After each loading or unloading operation and before opening a loading or unloading line to the atmosphere, the quantity of vinyl chloride in all parts of each loading or unloading line that are to be opened to the atmosphere is to be reduced so that the parts combined contain no greater than 0.0038 m 3 (0.13 ft 3) of vinyl chloride, at standard temperature and pressure; and
(ii) Any vinyl chloride removed from a loading or unloading line in accordance with paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section is to be ducted through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm (average for 3-hour period), or equivalent as provided in § 61.66.
(2) Slip gauges. During loading or unloading operations, the vinyl chloride emissions from each slip gauge in vinyl chloride service are to be minimized by ducting any vinyl chloride discharged from the slip gauge through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm (average for 3-hour period), or equivalent as provided in § 61.66.
(3) Leakage from pump, compressor, and agitator seals:
(i) Rotating pumps. Vinyl chloride emissions from seals on all rotating pumps in vinyl chloride service are to be minimized by installing sealless pumps, pumps with double mechanical seals or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. If double mechanical seals are used, vinyl chloride emissions from the seals are to be minimized by maintaining the pressure between the two seals so that any leak that occurs is into the pump; by ducting any vinyl chloride between the two seals through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm; or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. Compliance with the provisions of 40 CFR part 61 subpart V demonstrates compliance with the provisions of this paragraph.
(ii) Reciprocating pumps. Vinyl chloride emissions from seals on all reciprocating pumps in vinyl chloride service are to be minimized by installing double outboard seals, or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. If double outboard seals are used, vinyl chloride emissions from the seals are to be minimized by maintaining the pressure between the two seals so that any leak that occurs is into the pump; by ducting any vinyl chloride between the two seals through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm; or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. Compliance with the provisions of 40 CFR part 61 subpart V demonstrates compliance with the provisions of this paragraph.
(iii) Rotating compressor. Vinyl chloride emissions from seals on all rotating compressors in vinyl chloride service are to be minimized by installing compressors with double mechanical seals, or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. If double mechanical seals are used, vinyl chloride emissions from the seals are to be minimized by maintaining the pressure between the two seals so that any leak that occurs is into the compressor; by ducting any vinyl chloride between the two seals through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm; or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. Compliance with the provisions of 40 CFR part 61 subpart V demonstrates compliance with the provisions of this paragraph.
(iv) Reciprocating compressors. Vinyl chloride emissions from seals on all reciprocating compressors in vinyl chloride service are to be minimized by installing double outboard seals, or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. If double outboard seals are used, vinyl chloride emissions from the seals are to be minimized by maintaining the pressure between the two seals so that any leak that occurs is into the compressor; by ducting any vinyl chloride between the two seals through a control system from which concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm; or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. Compliance with the provisions of 40 CFR part 61 subpart V demonstrates compliance with the provisions of this paragraph.
(v) Agitator. Vinyl chloride emissions from seals on all agitators in vinyl chloride service are to be minimized by installing agitators with double mechanical seals, or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. If double mechanical seals are used, vinyl chloride emissions from the seals are to be minimized by maintaining the pressure between the two seals so that any leak that occurs is into the agitated vessel; by ducting any vinyl chloride between the two seals through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm; or equivalent as provided in § 61.66.
(4) Leaks from relief valves. Vinyl chloride emissions due to leaks from each relief valve on equipment in vinyl chloride service shall comply with § 61.242-4 of subpart V of this part.
(5) Manual venting of gases. Except as provided in § 61.64(a)(3), all gases which are manually vented from equipment in vinly chloride service are to be ducted through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm (average for 3-hour period); or equivalent as provided in § 61.66.
(6) Opening of equipment. Vinyl chloride emissions from opening of equipment (excluding crude, intermediate, and final EDC storage tanks, but including prepolymerization reactors used in the manufacture of bulk resins and loading or unloading lines that are not opened to the atmosphere after each loading or unloading operation) are to be minimized follows:
(i) Before opening any equipment for any reason, the quantity of vinyl chloride which is contained therein is to be reduced to an amount which occupies a volume of no more than 2.0 percent of the equipment's containment volume or 0.0950 cubic meters (25 gallons), whichever is larger, at standard temperature and pressure.
(ii) Any vinyl chloride removed from the equipment in accordance with paragraph (b)(6)(i) of this section is to be ducted through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm (average for 3-hour period); or equivalent as provided in § 61.66.
(7) Samples. Unused portions of samples containing at least 10 percent by weight vinyl chloride are to be returned to the process or destroyed in a control device from which concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gas does not exceed 10 ppm (average for 3-hour period) or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. Sampling techniques are to be such that sample containers in vinyl chloride service are purged into a closed process system. Compliance with the provisions of 40 CFR part 61 subpart V demonstrates compliance with the provisions of this paragraph.
(8) Leak detection and elimination. Vinyl chloride emissions due to leaks from equipment in vinyl chloride service are to be minimized as follows:
(i) A reliable and accurate vinyl chloride monitoring system shall be operated for detection of major leaks and identification of the general area of the plant where a leak is located. A vinyl chloride monitoring system means a device which obtains air samples from one or more points on a continuous sequential basis and analyzes the samples with gas chromatography or, if the owner or operator assumes that all hydrocarbons measured are vinyl chloride, with infrared spectrophotometry, flame ion detection, or an equivalent or alternative method. The vinyl chloride monitoring system shall be operated according to a program developed by the plant owner or operator. The owner or operator shall submit a description of the program to the Administrator within 45 days of the effective date of these regulations, unless a waiver of compliance is granted under § 61.11, or the program has been approved and the Administrator does not request a review of the program. Approval of a program will be granted by the Administrator provided he finds:
(A) The location and number of points to be monitored and the frequency of monitoring provided for in the program are acceptable when they are compared with the number of pieces of equipment in vinyl chloride service and size and physical layout of the plant.
(B) It contains a definition of leak which is acceptable when compared with the background concentrations of vinyl chloride in the areas of the plant to be monitored by the vinyl chloride monitoring system. Measurements of background concentrations of vinyl chloride in the areas of the plant to be monitored by the vinyl chloride monitoring system are to be included with the description of the program. The definition of leak for a given plant may vary among the different areas within the plant and is also to change over time as background concentrations in the plant are reduced.
(C) It contains an acceptable plan of action to be taken when a leak is detected.
(D) It provides for an acceptable calibration and maintenance schedule for the vinyl chloride monitoring system and portable hydrocarbon detector. For the vinyl chloride monitoring system, a daily span check is to be conducted with a concentration of vinyl chloride equal to the concentration defined as a leak according to paragraph (b)(8)(i)(B) of this section. The calibration is to be done with either:
(1) A calibration gas mixture prepared from the gases specified in sections 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 of Method 106 and in accordance with section 10.1 of Method 106, or
(2) A calibration gas cylinder standard containing the appropriate concentration of vinyl chloride. The gas composition of the calibration gas cylinder standard is to have been certified by the manufacturer. The manufacturer must have recommended a maximum shelf life for each cylinder so that the concentration does not change greater than ±5 percent from the certified value. The date of gas cylinder preparation, certified vinyl chloride concentration, and recommended maximum shelf life must have been affixed to the cylinder before shipment from the manufacturer to the buyer. If a gas chromatograph is used as the vinyl chloride monitoring system, these gas mixtures may be directly used to prepare a chromatograph calibration curve as described in Sections 8.1 and 9.2 of Method 106. The requirements in Sections and of Method 106 for certification of cylinder standards and for establishment and verification of calibration standards are to be followed.
(ii) For each process unit subject to this subpart, a formal leak detection and repair program shall be implemented consistent with subpart V of this part, except as provided in paragraph (b)(8)(iii) of this section. This program is to be implemented within 90 days of the effective date of these regulations, unless a waiver of compliance is granted under § 61.11. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(8)(ii)(E) of this section, an owner or operator shall be exempt from § 61.242-1(d), § 61.242-7 (a), (b), and (c), § 61.246, and § 61.247 of subpart V of this part for any process unit in which the percentage of leaking valves is demonstrated to be less than 2.0 percent, as determined in accordance with the following:
(A) A performance test as specified in paragraph (b)(8)(ii)(B) of this section shall be conducted initially within 90 days of the effective date of these regulations, annually, and at times requested by the Administrator.
(B) For each performance test, a minimum of 200 or 90 percent, whichever is less, of the total valves in VOC service (as defined in § 60.481 of subpart VV of part 60) within the process unit shall be randomly selected and monitored within 1 week by the methods specified in § 61.245(b) of this part. If an instrument reading of 10,000 ppm or greater is measured, a leak is detected. The leak percentage shall be determined by dividing the number of valves in VOC service for which leaks are detected by the number of tested valves in VOC service.
(C) If a leak is detected, it shall be repaired in accordance with § 61.242-7 (d) and (e) of subpart V of this part.
(D) The results of the performance test shall be submitted in writing to the Administrator in the first quarterly report following the performance test as part of the reporting requirements of § 61.70.
(E) Any process unit in which the percentage of leaking valves is found to be greater than 2.0 percent according to the performance test prescribed in paragraph (b)(8)(ii)(B) of this section must comply with all provisions of subpart V of this part within 90 days.
(iii) Open-ended valves or lines located on multiple service process lines which operate in vinyl chloride service less than 10 percent of the time are exempt from the requirements of § 61.242-6 of subpart V, provided the open-ended valves or lines are addressed in the monitoring system required by paragraph (b)(8)(i) of this section. The Administrator may apply this exemption to other existing open-ended valves or lines that are demonstrated to require significant retrofit cost to comply with the requirements of § 61.242-6 of subpart V.
(9) Inprocess wastewater. Vinyl chloride emissions to the atmosphere from inprocess wastewater are to be reduced as follows:
(i) The concentration of vinyl chloride in each inprocess wastewater stream containing greater than 10 ppm vinyl chloride measured immediately as it leaves a piece of equipment and before being mixed with any other inprocess wastewater stream is to be reduced to no more than 10 ppm by weight before being mixed with any other inprocess wastewater stream which contains less than 10 ppm vinyl chloride; before being exposed to the atmosphere; before being discharged to a wastewater treatment process; or before being discharged untreated as a wastewater. This paragraph does apply to water which is used to displace vinyl chloride from equipment before it is opened to the atmosphere in accordance with § 61.64(a)(2) or paragraph (b)(6) of this section, but does not apply to water which is used to wash out equipment after the equipment has already been opened to the atmosphere in accordance with § 61.64(a)(2) or paragraph (b)(6) of this section.
(ii) Any vinyl chloride removed from the inprocess wastewater in accordance with paragraph (b)(9)(i) of this section is to be ducted through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm (average for 3-hour period); or equivalent as provided in § 61.66.
(c) The requirements in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(5), (b)(6), (b)(7) and (b)(8) of this section are to be incorporated into a standard operating procedure, and made available upon request for inspection by the Administrator. The standard operating procedure is to include provisions for measuring the vinyl chloride in equipment 4.75 m 3 (1255 gal) in volume for which an emission limit is prescribed in § 61.65(b)(6)(i) after opening the equipment and using Method 106, a portable hydrocarbon detector, or an alternative method. The method of measurement is to meet the requirements in § 61.67(g)(5)(i)(A) or (g)(5)(i)(B).
(d) A RVD that is ducted to a control device that is continually operating while emissions from the release are present at the device is subject to the following requirements:
(1) A discharge from a control device other than a flare shall not exceed 10 ppm (average over a 3-hour period) as determined by the continuous emission monitor system required under § 61.68. Such a discharge is subject to the requirements of § 61.70.
(2) For a discharge routed to a flare, the flare shall comply with the requirements of § 60.18.
(i) Flare operations shall be monitored in accordance with the requirements of §§ 60.18(d) and 60.18(f)(2). For the purposes of § 60.18(d), the volume and component concentration of each relief valve discharge shall be estimated and calculation shall be made to verify ongoing compliance with the design and operating requirements of §§ 60.18 (c)(3) through (c)(6). If more than one relief valve is discharged simultaneously to a single flare, these calculations shall account for the cumulative effect of all such relief valve discharges. These calculations shall be made and reported quarterly for all discharges within the quarter. Failure to comply with any of the requirements of this paragraph will be a violation of § 61.65(d)(2). Monitoring for the presence of a flare pilot flame shall be conducted in accordance with § 60.18(f)(2). If the results of this monitoring or any other information shows that the pilot flame is not present 100 percent of the time during which a relief valve discharge is routed to the flare, the relief valve discharge is subject to the provisions of § 61.65(a).
(ii) A report describing the flare design shall be provided to the Administrator not later than 90 days after the adoption of this provision or within 30 days of the installation of a flare system for control of relief valve discharge whichever is later. The flare design report shall include calculations based upon expected relief valve discharge component concentrations and net heating values (for PVC this calculation shall be based on values expected if a release occurred at the instant the polymerization starts); and estimated maximum exit velocities based upon the design throat capacity of the gas in the relief valve.