40 CFR § 62.16710 - Scope and delegated authorities.
This subpart establishes emission control requirements and compliance schedules for the control of designated pollutants from certain designated municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills in accordance with section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act and subpart B of 40 CFR part 60.
(a) If you own or operate a designated facility as described in § 62.16711, then you must comply with this subpart.
(b) The following authorities will not be delegated to state, local, or tribal agencies:
(1) Approval of alternative methods to determine the site-specific nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC) concentration or a site-specific methane generation rate constant (k).
(2) Alternative emission standards.
(3) Major alternatives to test methods. Major alternatives to test methods or to monitoring are modifications made to a federally enforceable test method or to a Federal monitoring requirement. These changes may involve the use of unproven technology or modified procedures or an entirely new method.
(4) Waivers of recordkeeping.