40 CFR § 721.90 - Release to water.
Whenever a substance is identified in subpart E of this part as being subject to this section, a significant new use of the substance is:
(a) Any predictable or purposeful release of a manufacturing stream associated with any use of the substance, from any site:
(1) Into the waters of the United States.
(2) Into the waters of the United States without application of one or more of the following treatment technologies as specified in subpart E of this part either by the discharger or, in the case of a release through publicly-owned treatment works, by a combination of treatment by the discharger and the publicly-owned treatment works:
(i) Chemical precipitation and settling.
(ii) Biological treatment (activated sludge or equivalent) plus clarification.
(iii) Steam stripping.
(iv) Resin or activated carbon adsorption.
(v) Chemical destruction or conversion.
(vi) Primary wastewater treatment.
(3) Into the waters of the United States without primary wastewater treatment, and secondary wastewater treatment as defined in 40 CFR part 133.
(4) Into the waters of the United States if the quotient from the following formula:
(b) Any predictable or purposeful release of a process stream containing the substance associated with any use of the substance from any site:
(1) Into the waters of the United States.
(2) Into the waters of the United States without application of one or more of the following treatment technologies as specified in subpart E of this part either by the discharger or, in the case of a release through publicly-owned treatment works, by a combination of treatment by the discharger and the publicly-owned treatment works:
(i) Chemical precipitation and settling.
(ii) Biological treatment (activated sludge or equivalent) plus clarification.
(iii) Steam stripping.
(iv) Resin or activated carbon adsorption.
(v) Chemical destruction or conversion.
(vi) Primary wastewater treatment.
(3) Into the waters of the United States without primary wastewater treatment, and secondary wastewater treatment as defined in 40 CFR part 133.
(4) Into the waters of the United States if the quotient from the following formula:
(c) Any predictable or purposeful release of a use stream containing the substance associated with any use of the substance from any site:
(1) Into the waters of the United States.
(2) Into the waters of the United States without application of one or more of the following treatment technologies as specified in subpart E of this part either by the discharger or, in the case of a release through publicly-owned treatment works, by a combination of treatment by the discharger and the publicly-owned treatment works:
(i) Chemical precipitation and settling.
(ii) Biological treatment (activated sludge or equivalent) plus clarification.
(iii) Steam stripping.
(iv) Resin or activated carbon adsorption.
(v) Chemical destruction or conversion.
(vi) Primary wastewater treatment.
(3) Into the waters of the United States without primary wastewater treatment, and secondary wastewater treatment as defined in 40 CFR part 133.
(4) Into the waters of the United States if the quotient from: