40 CFR § 81.346 - Vermont.

§ 81.346 Vermont.


Designated area Does not meet primary standards Does not meet secondary standards Cannot be classified Better than national standard
Champlain Valley Air Management Area: Essex Town (includes Essex Junction), Burlington City, South Burlington City, Winoski City X
Central Vermont Air Management area: Barre City X
Remainder of State X

Vermont—1971 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS

[Primary and Secondary]

Designated area Does not meet primary standards Does not meet secondary standards Cannot be classified Better than national standards
AQCR 159 (Vermont portion) X
AQCR 221 (Vermont portion) X

Vermont—2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS


Designated area 1 Designation
Date 2 Type
Addison Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Bennington Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Caledonia Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Chittenden Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Essex Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Franklin Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Grand Isle Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Lamoille Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Orange Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Orleans Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Rutland Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Washington Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Windham Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Windsor Attainment/Unclassifiable.

1 Includes any Indian country in each county or area, unless otherwise specified. EPA is not determining the boundaries of any area of Indian country in this table, including any area of Indian country located in the larger designation area. The inclusion of any Indian country in the designation area is not a determination that the state has regulatory authority under the Clean Air Act for such Indian country.

2 This date is April 9, 2018, unless otherwise noted.

Vermont—Carbon Monoxide

Designated Area Designation Classification
Date 1 Type Date 1 Type
Statewide Unclassifiable/Attainment
Addison County
Bennington County
Caledonia County
Chittenden County
Essex County
Franklin County
Grand Isle County
Lamoille County
Orange County
Orleans County
Rutland County
Washington County
Windham County
Windsor County

1 This date is November 15, 1990, unless otherwise noted.

Vermont—Ozone (1-Hour Standard) 2

Designated area Designation Classification
Date 1 Type Date 1 Type
AQCR 159 Champlain Calley Interstate (part)
Addison County Unclassifiable Unclassifiable/Attainment
Chittenden County Unclassifiable/Attainment
AQCR 159 Champlain Calley Interstate (Remainder of) Unclassifiable/Attainment
Franklin County
Grand Isle County
Rutland County
AQCR 221 Vermont Intrastate (part) Unclassifiable/Attainment
Windsor County
AQCR 221 Vermont Intrastate (Remainder of) Unclassifiable/Attainment
Bennington County
Caledonia County
Essex County
Lamoille County
Orange County
Orleans County
Washington County
Windham County

1 This date is October 18, 2000, unless otherwise noted.

2 The 1-hour ozone standard is revoked effective June 15, 2005 for all areas in Vermont.

Vermont—1997 Annual PM2.5 NAAQS

[Primary and Secondary]

Designated area Designation a Classification
Date 1 Type Date Type
Addison County Unclassifiable/Attainment.
Bennington County Unclassifiable/Attainment.
Caledonia County Unclassifiable/Attainment.
Chittenden County Unclassifiable/Attainment.
Essex County Unclassifiable/Attainment.
Franklin County Unclassifiable/Attainment.
Grand Isle County Unclassifiable/Attainment.
Lamoille County Unclassifiable/Attainment.
Orange County Unclassifiable/Attainment.
Orleans County Unclassifiable/Attainment.
Rutland County Unclassifiable/Attainment.
Washington County Unclassifiable/Attainment.
Windham County Unclassifiable/Attainment.
Windsor County Unclassifiable/Attainment.

a Includes Indian Country located in each county or area, except as otherwise specified.

1 This date is 90 days after January 5, 2005, unless otherwise noted.

Vermont—2012 Annual PM2.5 NAAQS


Designated area 1 Designation Classification
Date 2 Type Date 2 Type
Addison County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Bennington County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Caledonia County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Chittenden County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Essex County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Franklin County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Grand Isle County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Lamoille County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Orange County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Orleans County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Rutland County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Washington County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Windham County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Windsor County Unclassifiable/Attainment

1 Includes areas of Indian country located in each county or area, except as otherwise specified.

2 This date is April 15, 2015, unless otherwise noted.

Vermont—1997 24-Hour PM2.5 NAAQS

[Primary and Secondary]

Designated area Designation a Classification
Date 1 Type Date Type
Addison County Unclassifiable Attainment
Bennington County Unclassifiable Attainment
Caledonia County Unclassifiable Attainment
Chittenden County Unclassifiable Attainment
Essex County Unclassifiable Attainment
Franklin County Unclassifiable Attainment
Grand Isle County Unclassifiable Attainment
Lamoille County Unclassifiable Attainment
Orange County Unclassifiable Attainment
Orleans County Unclassifiable Attainment
Rutland County Unclassifiable Attainment
Washington County Unclassifiable Attainment
Windham County Unclassifiable Attainment
Windsor County Unclassifiable Attainment

a Includes Indian Country located in each county or area, except as otherwise specified.

1 This date is 90 days after January 5, 2005, unless otherwise noted.

Vermont—2006 24-Hour PM2.5 NAAQS

[Primary and Secondary]

Designated area Designation a Classification
Date 1 Type Date Type
Addison County Unclassifiable Attainment
Bennington County Unclassifiable Attainment
Caledonia County Unclassifiable Attainment
Chittenden County Unclassifiable Attainment
Essex County Unclassifiable Attainment
Franklin County Unclassifiable Attainment
Grand Isle County Unclassifiable Attainment
Lamoille County Unclassifiable Attainment
Orange County Unclassifiable Attainment
Orleans County Unclassifiable Attainment
Rutland County Unclassifiable Attainment
Washington County Unclassifiable Attainment
Windham County Unclassifiable Attainment
Windsor County Unclassifiable Attainment

a Includes Indian Country located in each county or area, except as otherwise specified.

1 This date is 30 days after November 13, 2009, unless otherwise noted.

Vermont—NO2 (1971 Annual Standard)

Designated area Does not meet primary standards Cannot be classified or better than national standards
AQCR 159 (Vermont portion) X
AQCR 211 (Vermont portion) X

Vermont—NO2 (2010 1-Hour Standard)

Designated area Designation a
Date 1 Type
State of Vermont Unclassifiable/Attainment.

a Includes Indian Country located in each county or area, except as otherwise specified.

1 This date is 90 days after October 31, 2011, unless otherwise noted.


Designation status Designation Classification
Date Type Date Type
Whole State 11/15/1990 Unclassifiable

Vermont—1997 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS

[Primary and Secondary]

Designated area Designation a Category/classification
Date 1 Type Date 1 Type
AQCR 159 Champlain Valley Interstate (part)
Addison County Unclassifiable/Attainment
Chittenden County Unclassifiable/Attainment
AQCR 159 Champlain Calley Interstate (remainder of) Unclassifiable/Attainment
Franklin County
Grand Isle County
Rutland County
AQCR 221 Vermont Intrastate (part) Unclassifiable/Attainment
Windsor County
AQCR 221 Vermont Intrastate (remainder of) Unclassifiable/Attainment
Bennington County
Caledonia County
Essex County
Lamoille County
Orange County
Orleans County
Washington County
Windham County

a Includes Indian Country located in each county or area, except as otherwise specified.

1 This date is June 15, 2004, unless otherwise noted.

Vermont—2008 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS

[Primary and Secondary]

Designated area 1 Designation Classification
Date 2 Type Date 2 Type
AQCR 159 Champlain Valley Interstate: Unclassifiable/Attainment
Addison County
Chittenden County
Franklin County
Grand Isle County
Rutland County
AQCR 221 Vermont Intrastate: Unclassifiable/Attainment
Bennington County
Caledonia County
Essex County
Lamoille County
Orange County
Orleans County
Washington County
Windham County
Windsor County

1 Includes any Indian country in each county or area, unless otherwise specified.

2 This date is July 20, 2012, unless otherwise noted.

Vermont—2015 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS

[Primary and Secondary]

Designated area 1 Designation Classification
Date 2 Type Date Type
AQCR 159 Champlain Valley Interstate Attainment/Unclassifiable
Addison County
Chittenden County
Franklin County
Grand Isle County
Rutland County
* AQCR 222 Vermont Intrastate Attainment/Unclassifiable
Bennington County
Caledonia County
Essex County
Lamoille County
Orange County
Orleans County
Washington County
Windham County
Windsor County

1 Includes any Indian country in each county or area, unless otherwise specified. EPA is not determining the boundaries of any area of Indian country in this table, including any area of Indian country located in the larger designation area. The inclusion of any Indian country in the designation area is not a determination that the state has regulatory authority under the Clean Air Act for such Indian country.

2 This date is January 16, 2018, unless otherwise noted.

Vermont—2008 Lead NAAQS

Designated area Designation for the 2008 NAAQS a
Date 1 Type
Whole State Unclassifiable/Attainment.

a Includes Indian Country located in each county or area, except as otherwise specified.

1 December 31, 2011 unless otherwise noted.

[43 FR 8964, Mar. 3, 1978]
Editorial Note:
For Federal Register citations affecting § 81.346, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.