40 CFR Appendix Table 4 to Subpart OOO of Part 63 - Table 4 to Subpart OOO of Part 63—Operating Parameter Levels

Table 4 to Subpart OOO of Part 63—Operating Parameter Levels
Device Parameters to be monitored Established operating
Scrubber pH of scrubber effluent; and scrubber liquid and gas flow rates Minimum pH; and minimum liquid/gas ratio
Absorber Exit temperature of the absorbing liquid; and exit specific gravity of the absorbing liquid Maximum temperature; and maximum specific gravity
Condenser Exit temperature Maximum temperature
Carbon absorber Total regeneration steam or nitrogen flow, or pressure (gauge or absolute) a during carbon bed regeneration cycle; and temperature of the carbon bed after regeneration (and within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycle(s)) Maximum flow or pressure; and maximum temperature
Thermal incinerator Firebox temperature Minimum temperature
Catalytic incinerator Temperature upstream and downstream of the catalyst bed Minimum upstream temperature; and minimum temperature difference across the catalyst bed
Boiler or process heater Firebox temperature Minimum temperature
Other devices (or as an alternate to the requirements previously presented in this table) b Organic HAP concentration level or reading at outlet of device Maximum organic HAP concentration or reading

a 25 to 50 mm (absolute) is a common pressure level obtained by pressure swing absorbers.

b Concentration is measured instead of an operating parameter.