41 CFR § 102-192.140 - What types of support does GSA offer to Federal agency mail management programs?
(a) GSA supports Federal agency mail management programs by—
(1) Assisting in the development of agency policy and guidance in mail management and mail operations;
(2) Identifying best business practices and sharing them with Federal agencies;
(3) Developing and providing access to a Government-wide management information system for mail;
(4) Helping agencies develop performance measures and management information systems for mail;
(5) Maintaining a current list of agency mail managers;
(6) Establishing, developing, and maintaining interagency mail committees;
(7) Maintaining liaison with the USPS and other service providers at the national level;
(8) Maintaining a publically accessible Web site for mail communications policy; and
(9) Serving as a point of contact for all Federal agencies on mail issues.
(b) For further information contact: U.S. General Services Administration, Office of Government-wide Policy (MA), 1800 F Street NW., Washington, DC 20504; telephone 202-501-1777, or email: Federal.mail@gsa.gov.