41 CFR § 102-76.95 - What recordkeeping responsibilities do Federal agencies have?
(a) The head of each Federal agency must ensure that documentation is maintained on each contract, grant or loan for the design, construction or alteration of a facility and on each lease for a facility subject to the standards in § 102-76.65(a) containing one of the following statements:
(1) The standards have been or will be incorporated in the design, the construction or the alteration.
(2) The grant or loan has been or will be made subject to a requirement that the standards will be incorporated in the design, the construction or the alteration.
(3) The leased facility meets the standards, or has been or will be altered to meet the standards.
(4) The standards have been waived or modified by the Administrator of General Services, and a copy of the waiver or modification is included with the statement.
(b) If a determination is made that a facility is not subject to the standards in § 102-76.65(a) because the Architectural Barriers Act does not apply to the facility, the head of the Federal agency must ensure that documentation is maintained to justify the determination.