41 CFR Subpart A - Subpart A—Introduction to this Part
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- § 102-192.5 What does this part cover?
- § 102-192.10 What authority governs this part?
- § 102-192.15 How are “I,” “you,” “me,” “we,” and “us” used in this part?
- § 102-192.20 How are “must” and “should” used in this part?
- § 102-192.25 Does this part apply to me?
- § 102-192.30 To what types of mail and materials does this part apply?
- § 102-192.35 What definitions apply to this part?
- § 102-192.40 Where can we obtain more information about the classes of mail?
- § 102-192.45 How can we request a deviation from these requirements, and who can approve it?