42 CFR § 414.1325 - Data submission requirements.

§ 414.1325 Data submission requirements.

(a) Applicable performance categories.

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, or under § 414.1370 or § 414.1365(c), as applicable, individual MIPS eligible clinicians, groups, virtual groups, subgroups, and APM Entities must submit data on measures and activities for the quality, improvement activities, and Promoting Interoperability performance categories in accordance with this section. Except for the Medicare Part B claims submission type, the data may also be submitted on behalf of the individual MIPS eligible clinician, group, virtual group, subgroup, or APM Entity by a third party intermediary described at § 414.1400.

(i) For the quality performance category, a data submission must include numerator and denominator data for at least one MIPS quality measure from the final list of MIPS quality measures.

(ii) For the improvement activities performance category, a data submission must include a response of “yes” for at least one activity in the MIPS improvement activities inventory.

(iii) For the Promoting Interoperability performance category, a data submission must include all of the following elements:

(A) Performance data, including any claim of an applicable exclusion, for the measures in each objective, as specified by CMS;

(B) Required attestation statements, as specified by CMS;

(C) CMS EHR Certification ID (CEHRT ID) from the Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL); and

(D) The start date and end date for the applicable performance period as set forth in § 414.1320.

(2) There are no data submission requirements for:

(i) The cost performance category or administrative claims-based quality measures. Performance in the cost performance category and on such measures is calculated by CMS using administrative claims data, which includes claims submitted with dates of service during the applicable performance period that are processed no later than 60 days following the close of the applicable performance period.

(ii) The quality and cost performance categories, as applicable, for MIPS eligible clinicians and groups that are scored under the facility-based measurement scoring methodology described in § 414.1380(e).

(b) Data submission types for individual MIPS eligible clinicians. An individual MIPS eligible clinician may submit their MIPS data using:

(1) For the quality performance category, the direct, login and upload, and Medicare Part B claims (beginning with the 2021 MIPS payment year for small practices only) submission types.

(2) For the improvement activities or Promoting Interoperability performance categories, the direct, login and upload, or login and attest submission types.

(c) Data submission types for groups, virtual groups, subgroups, and APM Entities. Groups, virtual groups, subgroups, and APM Entities may submit their MIPS data using:

(1) For the quality performance category, the direct; login and upload; Medicare Part B claims (beginning with the CY 2019 MIPS performance period/2021 MIPS payment year, for small practices only); and CMS Web Interface (for groups consisting of 25 or more eligible clinicians, a third party intermediary submitting on behalf of a group) submission type.

(2) For the improvement activities or Promoting Interoperability performance categories, the direct, login and upload, or login and attest submission types.

(d) Use of multiple data submission types. Beginning with the 2021 MIPS payment year as applicable to MIPS eligible clinicians, groups, and virtual groups, beginning with the 2023 MIPS payment year as applicable to APM Entities, and beginning with the 2025 MIPS payment year as applicable to subgroups, MIPS eligible clinicians, groups, virtual groups, APM Entities, and subgroups may submit their MIPS data using multiple data submission types for any performance category described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, as applicable; provided, however, that the MIPS eligible clinician, group, virtual group, APM Entity, or subgroup uses the same identifier for all performance categories and all data submissions.

(e) Data submission deadlines. The data submission deadlines are as follows:

(1) For the direct, login and upload, login and attest, and CMS Web Interface submission types, March 31 following the close of the applicable performance period or a later date as specified by CMS.

(2) For the Medicare Part B claims submission type, data must be submitted on claims with dates of service during the applicable performance period that must be processed no later than 60 days following the close of the applicable performance period.

(f) Treatment of multiple data submissions.

(1) For multiple data submissions received in the quality and improvement activities performance categories in accordance with paragraphs (a)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section for an individual MIPS eligible clinician, group, subgroup, or virtual group from submitters in multiple organizations (for example, qualified registry, practice administrator, or EHR vendor), CMS will calculate and score each submission received and assign the highest of the scores. For multiple data submissions received for an individual MIPS eligible clinician, group, subgroup, or virtual group from one or multiple submitters in the same organization, CMS will score the most recent submission.

(2) For multiple data submissions received for the Promoting Interoperability performance category, CMS will calculate a score for each data submission received and assign the highest of the scores.

[83 FR 60078, Nov. 23, 2018, as amended at 85 FR 85031, Dec. 28, 2020; 86 FR 65671, Nov. 19, 2021; 88 FR 79534, Nov. 16, 2023; 89 FR 98560, Dec. 9, 2024]