42 CFR § 417.151 - Applicability.

§ 417.151 Applicability.

(a) Basic rule. Effective October 24, 1995, 1 this subpart applies to any employing entity that offers a health benefits plan to its employees, meets the conditions specified in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section, and elects to include one or more qualified HMOs in the health plan alternatives it offers its employees.

1 Before October 24, 1995, an employing entity that met the conditions specified in § 417.151 was required to include one or more qualified HMOs, if it received from at least one qualified HMO a written request for inclusion and that request met the timing, content, and procedural requirements specified in § 417.152.

(b) Number of employees. During any calendar quarter of the preceding calendar year, the employer or public entity employed an average of not less than 25 employees.

(c) Minimum wage. During any calendar quarter of the preceding calendar year, the employer was required to pay the minimum wage specified in section 6 of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, or would have been required to pay that wage but for section 13(a) of that Act.

(d) Federal assistance under section 317 of the PHS Act. The public entity has a pending application for, or is receiving, assistance under section 317 of the PHS Act.

(e) Employees in HMO's service area. At least 25 of the employing entity's employees reside within the HMO's service area.

[59 FR 49838, Sept. 30, 1994, as amended at 61 FR 27287, May 31, 1996]