42 CFR § 447.255 - Related information.
The Medicaid agency must submit, with the assurances described in § 447.253(a), the following information:
(a) The amount of the estimated average proposed payment rate for each type of provider (hospital, ICF/IID, or nursing facility), and the amount by which that estimated average rate increased or decreased relative to the average payment rate in effect for each type or provider for the immediately preceding rate period;
(b) An estimate of the short-term and, to the extent feasible, long-term effect the change in the estimated average rate will have on—
(1) The availability of services on a Statewide and geographic area basis;
(2) The type of care furnished;
(3) The extent of provider participation; and
(4) The degree to which costs are covered in hospitals that serve a disproportionate number of low income patients with special needs.