42 CFR § 93.301 - Research integrity assurances.

§ 93.301 Research integrity assurances.

(a) General policy.

(1) An institution that applies for or receives PHS support for biomedical or behavioral research, biomedical or behavioral research training, or activities related to that research or research training, must provide HHS with an assurance of compliance with this part by establishing and then maintaining an active research integrity assurance.

(2) PHS funding components may only authorize release of funds for extramural biomedical and behavioral research, biomedical and behavioral research training, or activities related to that research or research training, to institutions with an active research integrity assurance on file with ORI.

(b) Research integrity assurance. The Institutional Certifying Official must assure on behalf of the institution, initially and then annually thereafter, that the institution:

(1) Has written policies and procedures for addressing allegations of research misconduct, in compliance with this part.

(2) Complies with its policies and procedures for addressing allegations of research misconduct.

(3) Complies with all provisions of this part.