43 CFR § 32.4 - Program operation requirements.
(a) The State agencies cooperating with Interior and Forest Service having natural resource management responsibilities should be involved in the planning and implementation of the program.
(b) Grantees shall be responsible for the management of each Corps camp and project, final selection of enrollees, determination of enrollee work assignments, training, discipline and termination, and camp operations in accordance with this part and guidelines issued by Interior and Forest Service.
(1) Grantees shall assure that YACC program activities will not result in the displacement of employed workers (including partial displacement such as reduction in the hours of non-overtime work or wages or employment benefits), or impair existing contracts for services, or result in the substitution of YACC funds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed, or substitute jobs assisted under YACC for existing Federally-assisted jobs, or result in the hiring of any youth when any other person is on layoff from the same or any substantially equivalent job.
(2) Grantees shall assure that the activities in which the YACC enrollees are employed will result in an increase in employment opportunities over those opportunities which would otherwise be available.
(3) In addition, Grantees shall see that YACC enrollees do not, at the same time, share common facilities or property with, or work with members of the Job Corps, under title IV of the Act, except in emergency situations as outlined in paragraph (l)(4)(i) of this section.
(c) Enrollee eligibility: Membership in the Corps will be limited to youths between the ages of 16 to 23, inclusive who are unemployed at the time of application. Citizens, lawfully permanent residents of the United States, or lawfully admitted refugees, or parolees, may apply for enrollment. Applicants also must be capable of carrying out the work of the Corps for the estimated duration of their enrollment.
(d) Candidate recruitment and referral: (1) Interested youth may apply to their local Employment Service/Job Service for enrollment. State Employment Security Agencies (SESA) and their local Employment Service/Job Service (ES/JS) offices shall take applications for YACC from all interested youth and shall refer all candidates who self-certify that they meet eligibility requirements to Grantees for selection of those to be enrolled. Self-certification by applicants ages 16 through 18 who have left school shall include an assurance that they did not leave school for the purpose of enrolling in the Corps. Such referrals shall include all interested youth, including veterans, from both sexes, and all social, economic and racial classifications. Labor shall recruit candidates for YACC through the SESA and their local ES/JS offices, prime sponsors qualified under section 102 of the act, sponsors of Native-American programs qualified under section 302 of the act, sponsors of migrant and seasonal farmworkers programs under section 303 of the act, Interior and Agriculture and such other agencies and organizations as deemed appropriate by Labor. All candidates must be referred through the local ES/JS offices.
(2) An equitable proportion of candidates shall be referred from each State, based on the State's total youth population. For YACC program purposes, total youth population is the number of youth, 16 through 23, as determined on the basis of the best available data. Youth of both sexes and of all social, economic, and racial classifications shall be referred equitably.
(e) Enrollee selection: Grantees shall—(1) Notify ES offices when openings are available;
(2) Select enrollees for the Corps only from those candidates referred by Labor and, in selection and assignment, shall provide, to the extent feasible, for equitable participation for youth of both sexes and of all social, economic, and racial classifications, and for equitable participation of youth from each State;
(3) Notify selected applicants of the date, time and place to which they should report for work, and that enrollees must provide their own transportation to and from the project or camp;
(4) Require that enrollees complete physical examinations prior to official enrollment (expenses, if any, for the physical examination will be borne by the prospective enrollee);
(5) Require parental consent for those youth who have not reached the age of majority as defined by State law;
(6) Require enrollees to provide their own clothing, with the exception of certain safety equipment which will be furnished;
(7) Notify the referring ES/JS office as soon as possible but no later than 30 days after receipt of application, which applicants have been selected and have reported for employment and which have not been so selected.
(f) Enrollment duration: (1) Grantees shall assure that no individual is enrolled in the Corps for a total period of more than 12 months. Such period may be completed in up to three separate enrollment periods so long as the youth meets the eligibility requirements at the time of each separate enrollment. An individual who attains age 24 while enrolled may remain in the program to complete the current period of enrollment.
(2) No youth shall be enrolled if he or she desires such enrollment only for the normal periods between school terms.
(g) Corpsmember activities. Grantees shall assure that work project activities on which YACC enrollees are employed are consistent with the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resource Planning Act of 1974, as amended by the National Forest Management Act of 1976. Enrollees will be assigned to work projects which are designed to diminish the backlog of work in such fields as:
(1) Tree nursery operations, planting, pruning, thinning and other silvicultural measures;
(2) Wildlife habitat improvement and preservation;
(3) Range management improvements;
(4) Recreation development, rehabilitation and maintenance;
(5) Fish habitat and culture measures;
(6) Forest insect and disease prevention and control;
(7) Road and trail maintenance and improvements;
(8) General sanitation, cleanup, and maintenance and improvements;
(9) Erosion control and flood damage;
(10) Drought damage measures; and
(11) Other natural disaster damage measures.
(h) Project criteria. YACC projects will be operated on a residential and nonresidential basis. Each project location will be jointly approved by Interior and Forest Service through their Regional/Area Offices. To the maximum extent practicable, projects shall:
(1) Be labor-intensive;
(2) Be projects for which work plans exist or can be readily developed;
(3) Be able to be initiated promptly;
(4) Be productive with positive impacts on both the Enrollee as well as the Corps from the standpoint of work performed and benefit to participating youth;
(5) Provide work experience to participants in skill areas required for the projects;
(6) If a residential camp, to the maximum extent feasible, be located in areas where existing residential facilities are available. The use of existing but unoccupied or underutilized Federal, State, and local government facilities and equipment shall be maximized; such utilization is subject to the approval of the Federal agency, State or local government having administrative control thereof;
(7) If a non-residential project, be located within acceptable normal commuting distance from the geographic center of areas of substantial unemployment as designated by Labor;
(8) Be similar to activities of persons employed in seasonal and part-time work by Federal natural resource agencies.
(i) Cooperation with agencies and institutions: (1) Grantees shall, to the extent feasible, arrange for local linkages with educational systems, CETA and other employment and training programs, employment service offices, local apprenticeship sponsors and information centers, and employers, in order to arrange for the provision of available services to enrollees, both during non-work hours while enrolled, and after termination from YACC. Grantees shall establish procedures to ensure that enrollees are made aware of established linkages and related information and opportunities.
(2) Grantees shall notify appropriate local ES/JS offices regarding enrollee status, in advance of the end of the enrollment period or upon termination and shall, to the extent feasible, assist the enrollee in making contact with ES/JS or other organizations to enhance the possibilities for placement.
(3) Labor shall work with the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to make suitable arrangements whereby academic credit may be awarded by educational institutions and agencies for competencies derived from work experience obtained through the YACC program. Labor shall also encourage Grantees, through Interior and Forest Service, to make necessary arrangements with local education agencies so that academic credit for such work experience may be granted.
(j) Enrollee wages and hours of work: (1) Grantees shall assure that enrollees in the State Grant Program are paid at the Federal minimum wage rate specified in section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended. As an exception, Grantees shall provide for an additional cost-of-living adjustment for enrollees in the State of Alaska, not to exceed 25 percent of the Federal Wage Rate.
(2) Wages in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Northern Marianas shall be consistent with provisions of Federal, State, or local laws, otherwise applicable. Wages in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands shall be consistent with local law, except on Eniwetok and Kwajalein Atoll where section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act applies.
(3) As an incentive, Grantees may authorize incremental increases, above the minimum wage, for a limited number of enrollees, to reflect additional responsibilities or competencies. For this purpose, two promotional categories may be established: (i) Enrollee Leader, and (ii) Enrollee Assistant Leader. No more than 15 percent of the enrollment of any individual camp or project shall be given such increases. For each enrollee thus compensated, the wage increase shall be 50 percent for the enrollee leader and 15 percent for the enrollee assistant leader, of the applicable basic hourly minimum wage.
(4) Grantees shall reduce enrollee wages for each hour of unexcused absence.
(5) Enrollees assigned to residential camps may be required to assume responsibility for housekeeping and maintenance duties. Such duties shall not be considered compensable, unless scheduled during the regular work day, in which case enrollees shall be paid at the same rate as for regular work assignments.
(6) Enrollees may not be required to work more than 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week, except that Grantees may authorize overtime which shall not exceed 10 hours per week per enrollee, in which event they shall pay them at his or her regular rate.
(7) Enrollees assigned to residential camps shall be charged for daily food and lodging as follows: 75 cents per meal furnished and 75 cents per day lodging. Grantees shall arrange for payment of such charges by payroll deduction.
(8) Grantees shall establish a collection procedure for collecting payments made by program staff and visitors for meals, lodging, or other items requiring reimbursement. Amounts collected shall be treated as program income and shall be netted against total YACC program outlays by Grantees.
(9) Income taxes shall be withheld from enrollee wages pursuant to the Federal Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. 1 et seq.), and such State income tax laws as are applicable. Grantees shall provide each enrollee with the forms required to effect income tax deductions and withholding exemptions and shall assure that appropriate wage and tax statements are provided to enrollees.
(10) Interior and Forest Service shall assure that the payroll procedures for both the Federal and State programs are the same. State and local grantees shall utilize the payroll forms used by the Federal Government for payment of enrollees in accordance with the guidelines issued by Forest Service and Interior as appropriate.
(11) Grantees may utilize the payroll services of the Administrative Service Center (ASC), Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 11568, Salt Lake City, Utah 84147 for enrollee pay at no direct cost to the Grantee. Grantees may elect to payroll the enrollees through their own payroll system if the payroll system is consistent with regulations contained herein. Those Grantees electing to payroll enrollees through ASC will be furnished appropriate forms and instructions.
(k) Enrollee leave: (1) Grantees shall provide enrollees with paid annual leave at a rate of 4 hours for every full pay period which shall consist of 2 normal work weeks. Accrual shall commence at the beginning of the first full pay period after the day of official enrollment, and shall end on the date of official termination. Such leave may be accrued up to a maximum of 13 days for 52 weeks of uninterrupted enrollment: Enrollees may use accrued leave at any time, subject to approval by the Grantee, but shall use all accrued leave prior to each formal termination. Accrued leave may be used for such purposes as personal business and sick time. The date of formal termination shall be the final date upon which the youth is eligible to receive pay, whether this is a work day or an accrued but unused leave day. Compensation shall not be paid for unused accrued leave.
(2) Grantees may grant administrative leave with pay for enrollee participation in job search and employment development activities. Such leave with pay is to be counted as time in employment.
(3) Emergency or administrative leave, without pay may be granted at the discretion of the Grantee. Such leave without pay shall not be counted as time in employment.
(4) Grantees shall pay enrollees for all regular State holidays, if they are in a pay status for 8 hours on the workdays immediately preceding and following the holiday. Approved leave with pay shall count as time in employment for approved paid holidays. Such holidays shall not count as annual leave.
(l) Federal status of enrollees: Except as otherwise specifically provided in this subpart, YACC enrollees in the State Grant Program shall not be deemed Federal employees, and shall not be subject to the provisions of law relating to Federal employment including those regarding hours of work, rates of compensation, leave, unemployment compensation, and Federal employee benefits. Enrollees in the State Grant Program shall be considered Federal employees for the following purposes:
(1) For purposes of section 5911 of title 5 of the U.S. Code, relating to allowances for living quarters, enrollees whose housing is provided by the Federal Government shall be deemed civil employees of the United States within the meaning of the term “employee” as defined in that section, and provisions of that section shall apply.
(2) For purposes of the Internal Revenue code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. 1 et seq.) and title II of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401 et seq.), enrollees shall be deemed employees of the United States, and any service performed by a person as an enrollee shall be deemed to be performed in the employ of the United States.
(3) For purposes of chapter 171 of title 28 of the U.S. Code, relating to tort claims procedures, enrollees in the State Grant Program shall be deemed employees of the United States within the meaning of the term “employee of the Government” as defined in section 2671 of title 28 U.S. Code, and provisions of that chapter shall apply.
(i) In the event an enrollee is alleged to be involved in the damage, loss or destruction of the property of others or of causing personal injury to or the death of other individual(s) while in the performance of duty, claims may be filed by the owner(s) of the property, the injured person(s) or by a duly authorized agent or legal representative of the claimant to the Grantee who shall collect all of the facts and submit the claim to the Regional/Area Offices, Interior and Forest Service for appropriate action.
(ii) Tort claims shall be made on Standard Form 95, Claim for Damage or Injury form or a similar document, supported by necessary justification.
(4) For purposes of subchapter 1 of chapter 81 of title 5 of the U.S. Code, relating to compensation to Federal employees for work injuries, enrollees in the State Grant Program shall be deemed employees of the United States within the meaning of the term “employee” as defined in section 8101 of title 5 U.S. Code and provisions of that subchapter shall apply, except that the term “performance of duty” shall not include any act of an enrollee while absent without authorization from the enrollee's assigned post of duty, but shall include time spent participating in an activity (including an activity while on pass or during travel to or from such post of duty) authorized by or under the direction of YACC program staff.
(i) Residential enrollees are generally considered under Federal Employees' Compensation Act to be Federal employees from the time each begins Government authorized travel to the assigned YACC camp, to the time each completes Government authorized travel after termination from the program. Residential enrollees shall be generally considered in “performance of duty” at all times during any and all of their activities, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except when they are absent without authorization from their assigned post of duty. Whether a residential enrollee is in “performance of duty” shall be determined by the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP).
(ii) Nonresidential enrollees, after official enrollment are generally considered, under Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA), to be in “performance of duty” as Federal employees from the time they arrive daily at the designated area from which activities are assigned, until they leave such designated area or activity. Nonresidential enrollees are generally not covered by FECA while commuting between a designated area/authorized activity and their residence. Whether a nonresidential enrollee is in “performance of duty” shall be determined by OWCP.
(iii) Whenever an enrollee is injured, develops an occupation related illness, or dies while in the performance of duty, the Grantee shall immediately comply with the procedures set out in the Employment Standards Administration regulations of 20 CFR chapter 1. The Grantee shall also see that a thorough investigation of the circumstances, and a medical evaluation are made, and shall see that required forms are submitted to the Regional/Area Offices, Interior and Forest Service, for appropriate action.
(iv) If an enrollee dies, the Grantee, in addition to making proper notifications, in accordance with procedures established by Interior and Forest Service shall:
(A) Notify the appropriate district office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) through the Regional/Area Office, Interior and Forest Service of the death and the circumstances surrounding it, and file appropriate forms with that office.
(B) Be responsible for assuring that the next of kin is informed of benefits which may be available from Federal Employees' Compensation;
(C) Consult the decedent's family as to the final disposition of the remains before any final action is taken in this regard; and
(D) If the next of kin refuses to accept the remains, arrange for burial at a site close to the camp/project and at a cost not to exceed the amount authorized in section 8134(a) of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA).
(v) Safety and health: (A) Grantees shall assure that enrollees are not required or permitted to work or receive services in buildings or surroundings or under condition which are unsanitary, hazardous, or lack proper ventilation. Such work or services shall be conducted or provided in accordance with the standards set forth in the regulations under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 29 CFR parts 1910, 1926, and 1960 subpart B.
(B) Grantees shall conduct safety and health inspections of every residential camp and work project area connected therewith, at least annually, consistent with the requirements of 29 CFR 1960.26(d).
(C) Grantees shall issue such items of protective and safety clothing and equipment to enrollees as are necessary and appropriate to insure a maximum of safety in field and construction activities, including, at a minimum, hard hats, gloves, and boots. Grantees shall also see that proper use of such clothing and equipment is taught to enrollees and enforced. Enrollees are expected to provide all other clothing.
(D) Grantees shall provide complete safety orientation to enrollees in all work situations to alert them to any hazards to which they may be exposed.
(vi) Residential living conditions: (A) Grantees shall provide for residential support facilities and services which ensure healthful and secure living conditions, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
(B) Grantees shall assure that all residential facilities are well maintained and shall comply with applicable Federal, State and local safety, health, and housing codes for multipurpose group residences. Adequate supervision and assistance are to be provided for the safety and welfare of the enrollees.
(vii) Enrollee services: Grantees shall provide enrollees with such transportation related to camp and/or project operations, lodging, subsistence, medical treatment and other services, supplies, equipment and faciliies as may be needed consistent with this part.
(viii) Enrollee complaints: Grantees shall establish procedures for resolving enrollee complaints and issues which arise between the grantee and any enrollee regarding adverse action, civil rights, equal employment opportunity, enrollment, or upgrading from the time at which their referrals are received from ES/JS to the time of formal termination. Such procedure shall:
(1) Provide the enrollee with the opportunity for an informal conference,
(2) Provide prior notice of intended adverse action against the enrollee setting forth the grounds and permitting response,
(3) Provide an opportunity for a formal hearing, and if the enrollee is not satisfied, with an opportunity for an appeal and
(4) Provide an offer of assistance in preparation for hearings and appeals.
(ix) Emergency disaster work: (A) Grantees may utilize enrollees aged 18 years and over to perform work in emergency disaster situations. Enrollees may volunteer but may not be required to participate while natural disasters are occurring; enrollees may, however, be required to perform work on damage which has been caused by such disasters. The use of YACC enrollees in such activities must provide for qualified supervision and training for the enrollee. All such activity shall be conducted in accordance with regular Grantee policy: and procedures shall meet health, safety and work standards established by Labor in 29 CFR parts 97B, 22, 23, 24, and 25.
(B) Such enrollees shall be used only to supplement compensated firefighters, and shall be paid at the rates set by the Grantee as established in pay plans for emergency firefighters, in accordance with established policies, procedures and practices.
(C) No YACC enrollee is required to work for a greater number of hours per day than other firefighters.
(D) Cost incurred in using YACC enrollees in emergency disaster situations shall be borne by the funds of the benefitting organizations whenever possible; however, YACC funds may be used to provide such assistance subject to the approval of the Secretaries.
(E) Grantees shall see that the work activity of enrollees under age 18 is in compliance with Hazardous Occupation Orders issued pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act (29 CFR 570.50 et seq.).
(F) All YACC work and services are to be conducted consistent with the requirement of the Occupational Health & Safety Act (29 CFR parts 1910, 1926, and 1960 subpart B).
(x) Prohibited activities: Grantees shall not permit YACC enrollees to participate in emergency relief in connection with labor stoppages, strikes, riots, or civil disturbances. Enrollees shall not participate in activities on private property except as incidental to emergency work provided for in paragraph (i) of this section.
(xi) Transportation: Grantees shall assign selected enrollees to the residential camps nearest to their home as practicable; and to nonresidential projects within normal commuting distance from their homes. Daily transportation to and from home and work site for nonresidential enrollees may not be provided, except from established staging areas to work site and return to staging area. YACC will not pay the initial transportation from home to residential camp; however, residential YACC enrollees may be advanced a portion of their wages for the purpose of traveling to the camp upon a determination by the grantee that the youth is in need thereof. Grantees shall arrange for repayment of such advances by payroll deduction.
(xii) Project identification: Buildings, campgrounds and other permanent projects shall be marked with appropriate signs identifying each project as built by or under construction by the YACC.
(xiii) Post termination assistance: Grantees shall notify appropriate local ES/JS offices regarding enrollee status, in advance of the end of the enrollment period or upon termination, and shall, to the extent feasible, assist the enrollee in making contact with ES/JS or other organizations to enhance the possibilities for placement.