43 CFR § 3862.4-4 - Charges for publication.
(a) The charge for the publication of notice of application for patent in a mining case in all districts shall not exceed the legal rates allowed by the laws of the several States for the publication of legal notices wherein the notice is published.
(b) It is expected that these notices shall not be so abbreviated as to curtail the description essential to a perfect notice, and on the other hand that they shall not be of unnecessary length. The printed matter must be set solid without paragraphing or any display in the heading and shall be in the usual body type used in legal notices. If other type is used, no allowance will be made for additional space on that account. The number of solid lines only used in advertising by actual count will be allowed. All abbreviations and copy must be strictly followed. The following is a sample of advertisement set up in accordance with Government requirements and contains all the essential data necessary for publication:
M. A. No. 04421, U. S. Land Office, Elko, Nevada, October 5, 1921. Notice is hereby given that the Jarbidge Buhl Mining Company by W. H. Hudson, attorney in fact, of Jarbidge, Nevada, has made application for patent to the Altitude, Altitude No. 1, Altitude No. 3, and Altitude Annex, lode mining claims. Survey No. 4470, in unsurveyed T. 46 N., R. 58 E., M. D. B. and M., in the Jarbidge mining district, Elko County, Nevada, described as follows: Beginning at corner No. 1, Altitude No. 3, whence the quarter corner of the south boundary of sec. 34 T. 46 N., R. 58 E., M. D. B. and M., bears south 41°54′ west 7285.63 feet, thence north 20°14′ west 1500 feet to corner No. 2 of said lode; thence north 69°46′ east 569 feet to corner No. 3 of said lode; thence south 20°14′ east 417.5 feet to corner 2, Altitude No. 1; thence north 69°46′ east 1606.1 feet to corner No. 3, Altitude lode; thence south 20°14′ east 1500 feet, to corner No. 4 of said lode; thence south 69°46′ west 1606.1 feet, to corner No. 1, Altitude No. 1 lode; thence North 20°14′ west 417.5 feet to corner No. 4, Altitude No. 3; thence south 69°46′ west 569 feet to point of beginning. There are no adjoining or conflicting claims. The location notices are recorded in Book 17, pages 373 and 374, and in Book 15, pages 52 and 53, mining locations, Elko County, Nevada, John E. Robbins, Manager.
(c) For the publication of citations in contests or hearings, involving the character of lands, the charges may not exceed the rates provided for similar notices by the law of the State.