43 CFR § 3864.1-2 - Millsites applied for in conjunction with a lode claim.

§ 3864.1-2 Millsites applied for in conjunction with a lode claim.

Where the original survey includes a lode claim and also a millsite the lode claim should be described in the plat and field notes as “Sur. No. 37, A,” and the millsite as “Sur. No. 37, B,” or whatever may be its appropriate numerical designation; the course and distance from a corner of the millsite to a corner of the lode claim to be invariably given in such plat and field notes, and a copy of the plat and notice of application for patent must be conspicuously posted upon the millsite as well as upon the vein or lode claim for the statutory period of 60 days. In making the entry no separate receipt or certificate need be issued for the millsite, but the whole area of both lode and millsite will be embraced in one entry, the price being $5 for each acre and fractional part of an acre embraced by such lode and millsite claim.