45 CFR § 148.210 - Preemption.

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§ 148.210 Preemption.

(a) Scope.

(1) This section describes the effect of sections 2741 through 2763 and 2791 of the PHS Act on a State's authority to regulate health insurance issuers in the individual market. This section makes clear that States remain subject to section 514 of ERISA, which generally preempts State law that relates to ERISA-covered plans.

(2) Sections 2741 through 2763 and 2791 of the PHS Act cannot be construed to affect or modify the provisions of section 514 of ERISA.

(b) Regulation of insurance issuers. The individual market rules of this part do not prevent a State law from establishing, implementing, or continuing in effect standards or requirements unless the standards or requirements prevent the application of a requirement of this part.